The Diary of Windera Z. Aquaz, Page 13

Second Month

Lost technologies in Laputa

Day 1 of the Second month (page 2 of 2)

(continue from last page)

Me: Let me tell you how I got this place floating in the sky...
Actually, every particle here that's composing the ground we are sitting on is supported by some little machines that is so small that a dust particle is larger than it.
Conscious: how are they powered?
Me: These little machines, made from nanotechnology, get energy from the sun, reflected by the sea below and forms a sheet under the ground we are sitting at, seperating the cloud and the ground. they strive to stay in a sheet over the cloud by tension, and they release little water jets to 'fly'.
Conscious: like a bug stays on water by the surface tension?
Me: Nope.
Conscious: how so then?
Me: Rather, like why the water form a droplet, and the ground is like the bug, yes. The sheet gives the tension. Right. And the cloud supplies the water particles; and cloud forms under here, because there are dust... soil particles that falls between the sheet lining.

...(I told Conscious that he's the first one to learn about the secret of Laputa)

Then I told him that I got the sheet from a sample of it in a book that talks about it. I told him that those little machines multiply like bacteria when it's covered with soil. Then I confessed that the scene was actually fascinating than horrible, because 'the sheet, which reflects the light so that there are many rainbows on it, floating under the sun.'
ME: It actually 'overmultiply' a bit before it adjust itself to the size of the soil over it. And it begins to work when it's exposed to the sun for about 2 hours. So in the beginning, this place here, is hanged up on this skeleton that holds the soup now, and is only of the size of the pouf you are sitting on."
Conscious: that seems a bit unstable... yet I sit here now without worry
Conscious: interesting concept.
Me: And when it beings to work, it starts to overmultiply, so I add some more soil on it until the size is what I want, bit by bit.
Me: And how does it stay above the water at a constant height?
When the size is small, e.g. a few meter square, I can put some heavy objects like some big books on it to make it stay on the ground.
However, when it's as large as this place, it will float up, so the first thing I built was that boat that brought you to and from here from below, for transfering the soil and me.
So, how does it stops floating?"
Well, first of all, if it gets too far from the water, the light reflected by the sea, which it uses as energy source, will be weak, so it does not have enough energy and falls. When it falls, it gets nearer to the water surface and get much light, so it rises. So there's a balance point there, and the sheet, with the ground on it, stays there.
So how does the sheet take off?
You the thing on water (with the heavy obejct on it), remove the heavy object, and up it shoots! This place is released when it's the size of my bed.
As you must have noticed, it uses light reflected from below. This must be so because it CANNOT receive light from above.
Why does the sheet shoots up when it's placed on the sea?"
It is because there's plenty of water particles for the nanojet! At first it stays only a few meters above the sea, then slowly a cloud forms under it and it rises higher.
What would happen if you cut the light source?
Why, it falls. But not instantly.
Slowly. Because it stores energy.
The sheet is not composed of a single type of nanomachines. It's like your body that you have different kinds of cells.
Well, another thing I must mention is that the biology in the past is VERY great. That's why some of the furres can change from a normal quadpedals to dragons/phoenix. They got hold of the secret of the DNA that holds cell energy and division and maturation.

Me: Can you follow me?"
Conscious: of course
Me: Good. You are quite interested in the lost technologies...
Conscious: I've always had intrest in that which has been forgotten
Me: but I don't like the furres out there calling this lost technologies as 'magic'. Treating unknown things as 'magic' is a sort of concept that brings people to the way of the 'devil'. It disencourages people to find out the truth fo the things around."
Conscious: There is some purpose though.
Me: I know, but still, this is DANGEROUS.
Conscious: If people who were undeserving had a craving for this knowledge, there could be more war and strifle than there already is.
Me: Therefore, if this lost technologies are meant to be lost, I will make those things disappear.
Me: Well, magic or no magic, craving ALWAYS brings tragedy.
Conscious: True.
Me: but with magic, people might lose their strife in truth, thinking that some things just CANNOT be understood, which will be very disastrous. That is why, from a book called the 'Bible' from the era where the lost technlogy came from, it said that those who claims themselves magician and practice magic are no good.
Me: I have thought on it for a long time and just understood why it's no good. I had thought that if magic brings conveniences and happinees, why is it no good? Things are good or bad depends on, usually, how furres use it.

Conscious: Usually, If I am not mistaken, 'magicians' were illusionists of sorts, and they used thier abilities to confuse.
Me: No. The 'magic' it refers to is exactly how furres use it now.
Conscious: That's morose.
Me: Right.
Me: That, I think, is my main message I have to bring here.

Then, I discovered that Conscious was reading my diary, which he commented as interesting, as he listened to my lecture. I reminded him that what happened to me today (aka him) will also be down at the diary. He responded that he had figured that out, but he said he was still glad that I notified him about that.

At that point, I decided we have had enough lecturing and therefore brought Conscious to the altar and gave him the standard tour around the place, and lead him into the clouds for the relaxation promised to him. Conscious relaxed in the cloud, got all mellow mellow there and therefore I left him there.

I spend my time writing down this diary immediately, and missed my lunch. I had an early dinner, and then went for a walk. I went into 'A Weird Place', and the dream of Princess Holly. A solved the puzzle of how to enter the indoor part of 'A Weird Place', but both of the places were not interesting.

After dinner, I had Kontou and Apolline. Although Kontou is new to Furcadia, she managed to complete the whole challenge. Apolline was summoned away when she's trying to take the blue challenge.

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