The Diary of Windera Z. Aquaz, Page 14

Day 2 of the Second Month

The message

Dear Dairy,

I closed myself up in my study room to think about ways to make the Rainbow Challenge as a permanent part of Furcadia. I had several plans in mind but I don't think they are really practical.

I wandered in the cities in the afternoon, asking the Teachers ('Beekin Helpers') how can one make a dream become a part of the main cities. All of them denied such a possibility. I visited the Mythril Tavern, and the home-city of Aya Hiroshima, which was quite a beautiful town. I still don't like the feeling of walking in haunted places, though.

Dalo was the only challenger in the whole morning, while Shayrin and then Silver Longbalde took up the challenge in the evening. The former two had a visit to my Laputa. Silver left immediately after he completed the challenge. Actually, somefurre called Raven something went into the RPG dream but he left immediately after saying something unintelligible.

I talked about the problem that lost techonologies are treated as magic in Furcadia with Shayrin till I was too tired and begged her to leave me alone. This is what I wrote down during the discourse.

(The two of us were in the altar of the Wind and Water)

Shayrin: I see. Tell me more of the wind and water.
Me: The Wind and the Water are names. NAMES.
Shayrin: Ok. Wind and Water.
Me: The Wind symbolizes all the changes we perceive and, can perceive.
The Water symbolizes all the changes there are.
Me: I am the messanger of the Wind and Water.
Shayrin: The messenger of change.
Me: Right. Who brings large changes, typically in concepts.
Shayrin: What changes do you forsee.
Me: That is a different thing. I only bring forth changes. Or rather, you might ask, what changes am I bringing forth.
Shayrin nodded.
Me: My message now is that magic here are actually lost technologies.
There is no magic. Using 'magic' to explain things might be 'romantic' due to culture, but is ultimately evil. This is because magic gives a reson for people to explain things away without searching for the truth underneath.
Shayrin: Forgotten technologies explained away as magic?
Me: Yup. If something is not predictable, something is not controllable.
Shayrin: The subject has always interested me. Trying to recapture those lost technologies.
Me: That's a different topic, mind you.
I think that lost technoligies should be lost, unless we can recover the knowledge used to produce the technologies.
Me: A vistor yesterday told me that if magic here are actually lost technologies, which he agrees, should be demolished. I think that it should only be demolished if people continue to see it as 'magic', or that it gets out of control.

Also, during our discourse, Shayrin praised my use with DragonSpeak (editor: the high-leveled programming language used to build the dreams, aka user-created-and-defined maps), and she asked me whether I would consider to become a Beekin Dream Mason. I told her that I am seldom around , i.e. outside my own dream, actually, and is not a person who can take up such a responsibility because I am already on a responsitbility.

Day 3 of Second month -- A busy day

Dear Diary,

Terra Laffiette, a purple Feline with lilac hair, was today's first challenger. She had no big problem in solving all the challenges except the last. Terra had little faith in herself, and was not observant enough. She had been the furre who took the longest time to finish the test of faith. But fortuanately, she was very patient. After several minutes, she succeeded.

After playing with the slide, I brought Terra to Laputa to have breakfast with me. Terra commented that she liked both dreams and was a little bit surprised that I wrote the Rainbow Challenge by myself. I confessed that this is the only game she could have for a while in Furcadia, because even a simple game like the Rainbow Challenge took a whole month to plan, build and debug. Just that I wanted to chat with her more, she was summoned.

After Terra left, I went to Drow Underworld. It's a dry and unpretty version of Imaginarium (262501, the editor: this is a city in which Windera always places the entrance to her home.), and so I went back nearly immediately to my old sweet Laputa, and closed myself up in my study to read about the Lengend of Faust.

Faust was a lengendary figure in the era of the Lost Techonology. Ah, dear diary, you're right. I am calling the era from which the lost technologies in Furcadia came the era of the Lost Technology.

When I was in my study, Kivera, followed immediately by Kieta, the Shikyo Masurao and Le^Mai, came into the Rainbow Challenge. Kieta helped Le^Mai for a while before she left. All of them finished the challenge, but left it immediately. Le^Mai thought that it's a weird place.

Before I have had dinner, I had Etsuko the Dreamweaver taking up the Rainbow Challenge. After Etsuko, who constantly remarked my places as 'snazzy' the whole night, finished the Challenge, I went into her home, which was a building covered with glass surrounding a beautiful garden. I commented that the building was too large for only one person to live inside, and Etsuko sadly pointed out that that was because her friends had left Furcadia.

Afterwards I brought Etsuko, whom I found loved water and flower, to my water world. I had my dinner with Etsuko in the garden of Laputa, then gave her the standard tour around my place. Then both of us said adieu to each other and went for our own beds.

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