The Diary of Windera Z. Aquaz, Page 12

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Second Month

Lost Technologies called 'Magic'

Day 1 of the Second month (page 1 of 2)

Dear Diary,

Early this morning, before I woke up, I got Blayze Mallone and Baruch finishing the Rainbow Challenge. Baruch went through the challenge alone when my bot guided Blayze, who's not familiar with the style of traditional RPG game. Blayze was not speaking standard Furcadian langauge (262501, the editor: that is standard English) but a sort of local, spoken and very casual style of English, and the bot had had a hard time in understanding him. Therefore I woke up from my Stage 3 sllep to the REM sleep, and connected with the bot through my direct connection, and helped him in my dream. The three of us chatted at the base of the Impossible waterfall.

I asked them whether the challenge had been very easy, and both of them asserted me that it was. Then, to my own surprise, I told them that I was actually thinking of making a more difficult challenge -- the challenge of the Wind and Water, but was taken back by the fact that many furres just love fun and wouldn't like a too difficult challenge.

They told me that they both think that solving difficult problems is also a type of fun, but they also told me not to remove the Rainbow Challenge. But they didn't say why, except that 'it's fun'.

So I reckon easy challenges are well accepted, provided they come with good artistic style (don't laugh, wil ya, dear diary?) I then went on telling them the embarassing incidents caused by the bugs at the beginning. Then both of them told me that they will be happy to be the game tester of my new game.

I woke up at ten in the morning and wrote this down before I had my breakfast.

Just as I wanted to cook my breakfast after setting up the entrance of the Rainbow Challenge (which disappeared somehow when I put my air bot to sleep) at the city center of Imaginarium. And immediately, a grey canine with red markings called Conscious went into the dream before my eye.

Conscious was a smart Canine. He didn't need a lot of hints. He had been the first one who discovered the yellow key and its use, and the use of sword at the blue challenge without any guidance!

Conscious finished the challenges quickly (might be because he had not had his breakfast), and was invited to my old home, which was implanted in the water pool at the Impossible Waterfall, to have breakfast with me in Laputa after he had a try at the waterfall slide.

He read my diary while having breakfast, while I lectured him about the ecosystem in my home, and the lost technologies I used in my old home. During my 'lecture', he gave me his gauntlet (gloves), which he said would make the wearer look less intimidating then one is.

Below I tried to write out the main parts of our conversation on lost technologies (I hope I remembered most of the things we said):

Me: This place is built from the lost technology.
Conscious: lost technology?
Me: Yup. I got a whole bunch of books on that from the Furcadian library. Those magic furres use are a part of it. However, furres no longer know how the things work, but they still use them... I am a scientist specialized in lost technology. ...(Drinked soup) Conscious: I use some arcane items for power. *enjoys more soup* ...(I talked about my ecosystem)
Me: ah... may I see your power booster?
What does it do actually?"
Conscious: :-\ Well, It's an old gauntlet handed down in my family from generation to generation, so plase be careful ...
Me: Have you noticed what sort of power boost it gives you?
I mean, which *part of the body/what type of action does it seems to boost your pwer?"
Conscious: It's not used for strength enhancement like so many others of it's kind, but it does allow the wearer to seem less intimidating in a combat situation. (this allows the opponent to think he has an advantage, giving you openings)
Me: Ah, so it isn't the sort of 'follower' type nor the 'neurotransmitters' type. It's probably a sort of 'infatuating' type.
Does it operate under certain conditions only? Like under the sun/light, or does it need energy source that you know of?
Conscious: You need to be completely sure of your victory against your foe, or it will not give the desired effect. It draws energy from your spirit. ...
Me: So, you must be completely sure of your victor to make it work, and this feeling of you will shows on your face, your gesture and stuff; and this glove makes you look funny. I am sorry to say that...but it's true.
Conscious: lol:-D I guess you could put it that way
Me: If you look very confident and funny at the same time, your opponent will sure think that you are not really competent. The look of very confident face gives others the feeling that you are quite sure that you will win.
(Somewhere at this point I began to jot down what I have talked, sensing that I was really talking something serious)
Conscious: If the gauntlet has the desired effect, you will not appear to be confident
Me: The funny look of you will make the opponent think you are just a charlatan. Right. That is because when the opponent judge the two information together, they will get the following conclusions: that you
1. think you are very good"
2. but you are not very good"
and therefore the final conclusion they will make is that
3. a furre who do not know how good he/she is is no good at all.
Conscious: Okay, I follow you now.
Me: If they are a little bit or at the same level as you are, you will be given an under-estimate of your power, and therefore you have an advantage of winning. If they are really weak, you will win no matter what. However, you must have noticed that if your opponent is VERY STRONG compared to you, you lose.
Conscious: yes
Me: But, I might be wrong. This may just be one of the ways the glove's working. Other tricks I have seen is like:
through producing a visual illusion of shaking (you are not shaking your hands, though), you make your opponents to underestimate you more.
Me: Imagine that an opponent has a 'sure-win' face, a funny look, and hands. What will ya think.
Conscious: This is more an illusion than a true physical attribute effect.
Me: How to make an illusion work is hard science."
Conscious: If his hands are shaking, it could be a facade.
Me: Right, so this can only trick those who are not very very good at battling. But faked hand shaking looks DIFFERENT from faked ones, if you are trained in that...I am.
Me: And another 'booster glove' I read across is like this: it actually spreads a air-born tranquilizer around the user, and therefore make the opponent think that he feels safe because it is really safe. The user is not affected, because it has got used to the chemical.
But I don't feel any tranquilizing effect, so may be you gloves are not on (because you are not high in those 'fighting and winning chemicals, which are used as triggering signals), or your gloves doesn't work that way.
Conscious: My friend has tinkered with chemicals to calm and limber himself up before battles, but I don't deal with them. ...
Me: Let me tell you how I got this place floating in the sky...

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