The Diary of Windera Z. Aquaz

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Day 9 -- Of Wind and Water?

Dear Diary,

It has been a magical day.

I woke up, again, from my own dream. I had no intention to work at all. So I re-registered my dream and before I retired into it, I tried to chat with some furres nearby (and failed).

Mindlessly, I sit in the semi-altar which is above the surface of the water (in my home), and sang the newly learnt song 'Always, time after time'.

It's a beautiful song. I am sure that I have heard this song before I lost my memory and therefore I learnt it quickly when I heard this song again.

Here's the lyrics of the song: (version 1.2)
('-' = long syllable taking 1 more note);
(F major, 3/4, lightly)

It is calling from somewhere very deep inside my heart, (drmds mrs r dl,m d t,)
to have a mo-ving dream, al-ways, for many times; (t, l, t, drs, d, rmf mrdr)

Even there is so many sorrows that cannot be counted, (drmds mrs rdl,l, t,ds, )
I will sure-ly meet ya, by- bold-ly facing them. (s, l, t,dr s, d rmf (f)mrdd )

Making mistakes after mis-takes-, that trip, people on-ly- (mfs s s s slsfm m m m mfmr)
know of the- blueness of the blue-- blue- sky (d d dt,l, t, t,d r rmrmr )

Al-though I can see that the continuous road doesn't lead to anywhere, (mfs s s s slsfm m m mfmrdt,l, )
these- two- hands can em-brace the lighting light. (l,t,drs, d rmr rrdd)

The mind that becomes silent at the time of departure, (drmds mrs r dl,m d t, )
the body that disappears can listen carefully about (dt,l, t, drs, d rm f mrdr )

the mystery of being alive, the mystery of being dead (drmds mr s r dll tds, )
of flowers, of the wind and cities, all listened to in the same way. (s, l, l,t,drs, d rmf f mrdd)


It is calling from somewhere very deep inside my heart, (drmds mrs r dl,m d t,)
always, time after time, 'let us- draw- out our dream!' (t, l, t, drs, d, rmf mrdr)

Rather than counting all the countless sor-rows on and on, (drmds mr s r dl,l, t,ds, )
let us use the same pair of lips to sing softly instead. (s, l, t,drs, d rmf mrdd)

In that | closed me|mory which from time |to time jumps |out, I can always | hear (mf|s s s |s slsf|m m m |m mfmr|d )
the whisper that I really do not want to forget (d dt,l, t, t,dr rmrmr)

'Even| on the ser|rated pieces of| a very |shattered mirror, a new (mf|s s s |s slsf|m m m |mfmrdt,)
landscape can be reflected.' is the one I bear in mind.(l, l,t,dr|s, d, rm|r rrd|d)

The- silent window of the morning that's just begun (drmds mrs r dl,m d t, )
through- which the empty body is- going to be filled (dt,l, t, drs, d rmf (f)mrdr )

I won't try to find it over the other side of the sea (drmds mr s r dl,l, t,ds,)
because I have found it now, because I can now see (s, |l, t,dr|s, d t,|l, t,d,r|s, )
that the shining thing has always be-en here- inside myself (dt,|l, t,dr|s, d rm|f (f)mrd|d )

[editor: 262501: yes, if you have noticed, this is the ending song, 'Istsumo Nando demo', of 'Sen To Chihiro no Kamikauhi', aka 'Spirited Away', by Studio Ghibli. The translation was done by AKIDA Yamakusa. This translation does not only have the meaning of the originally lyrics, but also fits into the original melody, i.e. it can be sung directly. So, please don't charge me for that, dear Miyazaki sama. If anyone would like to use this tranlated version in your work (webpage, written work, performance etc), please address/include the web address of this page, at least. AKIDA san had spent 2 whole days first trying to understand the lyrics, then remembering the melody (by listening to the song and marking down the 'so-fa name' of it) and finally trying to fit the meaning of the (originally) Japanese lyrics into the melody before succeeding.]

And not long after I started the song, I noticed that a male Feline, called jh'Srud (jh being the honor word), is sitting on the boat which is the entrance of my home.

I enthusiastically invited him to my room up in the Laputa, and discussed the technology and tricks I used to create and maintain the ecosystem in my home with him. He wasn't put off at all, and reflected that he *liked* wind and water, and commented that 'there's more energy in the wind and water then all the earth'.

I was a little bit stunned and told him about the meaning of my name. (And at the same time, I invited him to the garden. He commented my garden as 'proper'.) He asked me whether I was a mage afterall, but I didn't know that I am, or was, and I didn't know any magic.

He seemed to be baffled and talked about the war the furres were having with punks. I knew that it's not completely peace at there, from the smell of the wind (hey, I do have good sense of smell, unlike other Felines). He went on the mumble about all the metal parts of his body, where the flesh was gone due to summoning dragons as alvatars.

I explained that I hate fighting and war, and he agreed that he hated it also. He added that the only final solution was to eliminate the problems behind or the disputes. I had nothing to say.

Then I told him about the plan of building an underwater altar for meditation . He seemed to like the idea a lot. Suddenly, he pointed at my diary, which was laying on the grass. I said that as my home was located at the sub-urban of the Imaginarium, and I had not had any guests to Laputa, I didn't have the habit of putting my diary away properly after I've written it. Then I explained my own situation to him: I lost my memory -- I had only 8 days of memory.

He gave me a sort of physical scan of my head and asked me whether I have had any physical wounds when I 'woke up'.

I didn't. And he couldn't find any physical wound in my brain. He suggested that I should go and find a Healer, and left with a message that he's going to help me.

After Scrud left, I continued to sat a while in the garden and wrote this diary. Well, I am gonna be more careful from now on, dear diary. I won't let you leave me. Just in case that I lose my memory again.

I think I have rememebered something...when Scrud talked about wars and fightings and avatars.

But, dear diary, I;ve found that I am now not as frustrated as I was several days ago, about the fact that I cannot remember anything before, or who I am, etc.

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