The Diary of Windera Z. Aquaz

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Day 4 -- Lost

Dear Diary,

I have never been more helpless.

Waking up, I glanced around myself, and was unable to tell where I was except that I seemed to be in a hotel room.

I walked around the place and was dismayed by my own bad memory. Then an idea blinked in my mind: I kept a diary!! I rushed to it and was gladly reminded by it: I am in the Kingdom of Ithika. Smiling, I gracefully tugged the dairy into my bag and walked out of the (still) deserted hotel.

Contented, I went back to the Vinca, the castle which has teleports to the main cities in Furcadia. Just as I was wondering where should I go, I remembered the public swimming pool where I had had a beautiful time the day before. Therefore, I decided to visit the pool again.

I went to AI (Allgeria Island), and walked around the city, trying to find the pool. And I couldn't. I went back to Vinca, and then frantically searched from New Haven to Meovanni to Imaginarium. I met Lilac in the village of Challenges again. I asked her whether she knew where the public swimming pool was, but she seemed oblivious to the fact that there WAS such a thing at all...

After I searched for all the cities I knew twice, I was exhausted mentally and physically. Do all the things in Furcadia disappears from time to time? I collapsed in a place outdoor... Windera (p.s. this diary is written in Day 5's morning since my arrival to Furcadia)

Day 5 -- I need a home

I woke up, finding myself at the south of Allgeria Island

I laboriously build a home today, using the Dream Editor given to me when I entered Furcadia. And was exhausted.

Day 6 -- Home

I went into the Imaginarium and registered the entrance of my home inside the swimming pool NE of the town.

And I invited a newly known friend, Kireina Tenshi, to my home.

We have had a good chat. And I told her the benefit of having my home inside a swimming pool: you can get an awful lot of water supply: and the best thing here is that the water used in Furcadia's swimming pools is that is untreated sea water!! Therefore, I can keep a lot of delicious fresh fish in my home and I won't need to care about food (and water)! So my home is virtually a water world.

It was a bad thing that I was too exhausted yesterday with the Dragon Speak thing (which place magic to your dream), and I was too tired to chat for more. I begged my pardon and collapse into my bed in my water world.

Dreaming in a dream, with my home as a dream in Furcadia, oh dear Diary...

Day 7 -- waking up

I woke up in the center of Imaginarium.

Confused, I walked back to the swimming pool only to find that my home/dream has disappeared...

I registered my dream again, but was totally not in mood to stay in my own dream...

Do all dreams finally disappear? I remembered the swimming pool and I searched the town for it again. Natrually, I couldn't find it.

I wandered around.

At the north part of the Allgeria Island, I found a dream called "Dream Weaver". Without thought, I stepped into it.

It was a world full of Dragon Speak and therefore, surprise.

I started out in a middle garden, inside the embrace of a golden dragon.

First, I noticed that there's a boat on the SW direction, just outside the garden, so I stepped onto the boat and WIPS! I was transferred to another place. There's a lot of boats around and stepping on one would make one to be transfered to a new place.

After getting myself lost several times (although this has been a happy experience), I discovered that there's a school, a bar, and a game island in this dream. I went back to the middle garden and stepped into the water south of it.


Like I have stepped on a trolley on a slope, I was rushed through the water and stopped beyond a pair of flag. I felt dizzy for a second and realized that this must be a 'runway' for a water race.

Then I went NW, and discovered a teleport to the library north of the Island. The library was huge. There were even office/self-study room for everybody's use!

Finally, I went back home. How cozy a home is, even it's a dream that disappears every morning!

Day 8 -- Oh! Swimming pool!

Dear Diary,

I got up, once again finding myself standing in the middle of Imaginarium. I was surpirsed by my own calmness about the fact that my home had obviously disappeared. I shook myself up, teleported, and took a walk in the Allegeria Island..

Before I have walked 10 steps, I saw...the PUBLIC SWIMMING POOL!!

I stepped into it, feeling marvoulous.

The pool was quite, unlike the last time I visited it. I swam for a while in the main pool, then went indoor for steam bath, bubble bath and shower, and took a look at the pools downstairs. No one was in the pool. I played the water slide for several times, and got bored quikly.

Then I went back the Allgeria Island, and automatically went north and into the dream of the Dream Weaver.

I met one of the Guild member who's there to answer anyone's problem about making a dream. After I played with the teleports and at the same time, whispered(telepathed) with him for a while, I decided to ask him the question that why the effect of 'placing object' had the effect of placing the object EVERYWHERE in the dream and therefore what's the use of it.

And then I was told that I need to use area to limit the effect. I was very happy and intended to try it out immediately tomorrow morning.

So I went back to home, slept early for tomorrow's work.

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