The Diary of Windera Z. Aquaz

Page 9

Day 22 -- Obsession

Dear Diary,

I spent the whole day building my new RPG game.

Before bed, I took a walk in Imaginarium and invited Urishima Taro to test my dream for me.

While testing the game, Urishima san kept asking me to yiff, supposedly with him. I was really disgusted. I should have expected it, because the first thing he asked me was whether I am a female. After I made it clear that I won't yiff with him, he left. He showed no interest in my old dream, aka my home...

This guy has no artistic taste at all...brain full of yiffy things.

I asked him wether he is a Japanese, whom's answer is affirmitive, and I scolded him by calling him an 'ittchi'.

Day 23 -- Skinner's Reward

Dear Diary,

I finished the blue challenge today, so I set the entrance up near the center of Imaginarium. I advertised about my RPG new dream, and then went to Allgeria Island and set up another one. I now know how to have two dreams in different places: either you make a small change to your map, or you plant another dream (I planted my old home inside the green-land of the RPG game) inside the dream so the system cannot delete your old dream, as it is 'linked', or, somebody stays inside your dream so it cannot be removed. After a while, I went back to Imaginarium, and went to the green land in my RPG dream.

I found Scurd there, sitting there silently.

I asked him if there's something wrong, he replied that he just wanted peace, and said that he was disturbed by his acts the night before. It was something concerning extreme violence. He reminded me of Kenshin...

Just as I tried to tell him the story of Kenshin, the doorbell rang. This means that I have a visitor to my RPG game. I quickly go to the entrance, and found Axiarian Cateria, a Feline. She's one of the furre standing near my dream and thus recieved my invitation to the adventure of my RPG game.

I brought Axiarian through the 6 challenges, red, orange, yellow (through the path of the dreamer), green maze and blue obstacles. She was dumped into the water once in the red challenge, and became very careful, following my step exactly, so she didn't fall into the temptation of comfort at all.

I introduced Axiarian and Scrud to each other, and indicated the entrance of our homes (jh'Scrud put his dream on my dream pad located at the green-land's water front, beside my home's entrance). Unluckily, Scrud wasn't in the mood of having more adventures, so I guided Axiarian through the green maze and the blue obstacles. The green maze, as I have expected, is very easy. She got stuck in the blue maze. It seemed that she didn't realize the pattern of the appearance of the ant soldiers at all. I thought that this challenge was easy, too...

I was forced to teach her on how to use her magical sword, which was picked up at the entrance, to kill the ants. Then we dried off at the goal side of the blue challenge.

She told me that if Talzhiemer, a maker of the Furcadia land, knew about my dream, he might make it a permanent part of the Furcadian world. I was very excited about the idea. (editor 262501: Well, Akida is REALLY excited. This is because Akida's dream job is to be an online game creator...)

We waded through the water to get back to green land, which was a short and easy part.

I asked Scrud to lead her around my home, but he said he really need some quite time to meditate, so I lead Axiarian around my old home. She asked me whether I built this myself. I answered that as I have some basic ability in programming (editor 262501: don't think that Akida is just a usual artist. In addition to being a talented artist, Akida is also talented in doing programming, and have written programs in Pascal, C++, BASIC and Prolog (in chronological order). Therefore she have no trouble in using DragonSpeak, which is a high-levelled programming language -- sort of -- used in Furcadia.), and therefore found the Dream Editor and Dragon Speak very easy to use.

I told her about the ecosystem, the clever(lazy) way of getting my food and drinking water when we were in Laputa, and about myself when we were in the altar area. Her tour ended in the meditation room.

This time, I remembered to tell her about how to leave the meditation room in time, and told her about the sad accident in which a furre thought that she was trapped in the clouds.

She commented my place as 'neat' and 'cool' as she left the place while I was going to bed. This is my happiest day in my memory.

Day 24 -- The Magic of Companion

Dear Diary,

I have had two visitors today. They were a pair of friends, Deathworg and Kamereon Rei.

I worked till dinner on the last challenge. After dinner, I set up my entrance at the road junction to the Imaginarium city center and swimming pool, trying to test the game by myself. When I walked past the city center, I heard Deathworg and Kamereon Rei complaining to each other that it had been a boring day, and that the hotel they had been in was very boring, and they were yourning for fun.

Therefore I invited them to test my RPG dream, and they were very excited, commenting 'finally! an RPG game' and tested the dream for me.

At the Yellow challenge, Rei found a bug for me.

When she picked up the Red Cape symbolizing fame, ALL the objects disappeared.

I had to apologize to them and asked them to leave the game for a while so I can repair it. I checked the DragonSpeak codes carefully, but the respective code was not faulty, (the code for recycling the cape was the same as recycling the bracelet, but Deathworg picked up the bracelet without anything going wrong, and then Rei picked up the cape and all objects in the dream disappeared) so it seemed that it's a system bug which I cannot do anything about.

I reload the dream again and set it near the city center of Imaginarium, to give convenience to the poor game testers. This time, I tried to lead them to the greenland using the path of the follower of Dream. However, as I just told them not to pick up the cape for now, both of them chose to use the path of money.

Deathworg was very brave and intelligent. With the hint 'use something', he solved the guard problem within seconds. Rei had a little trouble with the guards, but she figured out what to do in a minute also.

I decided that the yellow challenge is not too difficult to pass, if one takes the route of wealth. However, it seems that no one was able to find out how to use Fame to pass the test...

Before they left the yellow challenge, I remembered in time to tell them to pick up the yellow key guarded by the dragons. Then they went through the green maze, and blue obstacles. I must admit that Deathworg was quite 'professional' in solving such challenges. As I taught Rei how to use the yellow key to obtain the magical sword that can kill the ants, he figured out that this challenge would be easy to finish given that one has a companion. I nodded, because I really wanted to encourage players to take the challenges as a team. I added that actually the blue challenge can be passed also even without companion and the magical sword.

Just a little bit of careful observation and intelligence would do it. The game was also meant to be fun for those who are alone and are NOT familiar with RPG games. Experienced RPG players can challeng themselves by taking the more complicated paths. And they passed the last challenge ok. I decided that it is of suitable difficulty.

I apologize to Deathworg and Rei that I haven't yet built the treat for those who completed all the seven challenges. Therefore, I set up the entrance to my old dream in a corner of the purple challenge and gave them a tour around my old home. We parted, happily and satisfied in the altar much after midnight.

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