The Diary of Windera Z. Aquaz

Page 8

Day 18 -- Connected

Dear Diary,

I woke up at 5 a.m. today, and was told by Scrud that today was supposed to be Scrud's and Princess Leo's wedding day. Unluckily his princess doesn't appear at his will, and I cannot simply wait there...therefore I went to Space Colony 2002. It's a dumb place. I left quickly.

I have had a weird dream last night. I became a light-blueish horse called ChiisanaKaze, the little wind. I ran through the maps of the main cities of Furcadia, including a farm for grassland animals, and Furtopolis, a 'mordern' city, which looked like the cities in 'Biological Psychology', with all those concrete looking buildings, shops, bars, dark alleys, cars and crossroad everywhere. I tried to chat with Chobo, or something like that, who's the owner of Furtopolis, but he disappeared before I could ask him about lost technologies. It's a weird dream, because when I checked Allgeria Island, I really found Furtopolis, which looked exactly the same as what I have dreamt.

I decided that this is more than a dream. Rather than calling it 'clairvoyance', I think it is more like sharing memory with another furre. But I cannot see any mean in which this is possible. Everyone is unique and therefore our memory are not easily transferable.

But how about if there are two people identical to each other or very very similar?

I am a soul torn from another, as I have concluded many days ago. Then, is it possible that I am getting this dream from the One I was torn from, because I must be in some way compatible with the memory owner?

Very likely.

Then, does it mean that the One I was torn from probably had another 'torn' part which was also a furre, that one called 'ChiisanaKaze'?

Judging from the name, it is very probable ...

Losing myself in the rain of thoughts, a new idea flashed across my mind. Why don't I make my dream into a sort of RPG? Let me think...

Then I discovered that I needed a 'DogProxy' to give automatic preset messages, and therefore concentrated on, instead of using words, manipulation of furre's subconscious would be a better choice.

I tried to explore how to use the timer for moving monsters.

I worked for the whole afternoon and night, managing only to the green Island, and prayed that tomorrow's preliminary testing would go ok.

p.s. The RPG dream had a theme: Knight of Courage, Faith and Hope. The map should contain plenty of water, and the 'planned trip' would have a color sequence of white, and then the 7 colors of the rainbow, plus black. White is for the start and finish place, the 7 colors are the challenges (red for monsters, orange for the temptation of comfort, yellow for the will to live for one's dream, green for Hope(where participants can leave the game) and rest, forest for a maze, blue for tormoils (fighting the water with wisdom, courage and the magic sword?!), and finally, violet for mirage and faith in hope, beauty and perfectness. Black and grey will be the little punishments for mission failures.

Day 19 -- Uncontrolled Magic

Dear Diary,

I did the test early in the morning. It didn't work. Instead of just having the monsters drifting about, I have ALL objects difting in the same time in the same direction. It's certainly a weird scene.

What I used is a pair of 'if they are the same object then swap with the object that in a particular location'. I ate my breakfast in dismay and had a walk in Furcadia.

Then I visited Scrud in his castle, and chatted with Scrud, his Princess, and Scrud's son, LeoKen till lunch.

I went back to my castle to have my own lunch and started working on the monsters again. I added a floor type filter, so that only the monsters are drifting, and then, to my disbelieve, the monsters stopped moving after less than 10 seconds. I tried to solve this embarassing scene by adding more swapping pairs and more floor types, but didn't succeed.

I mindlessly ate my dinner while thinking about the problem. Then I decided that I should meditate about it, and have a good rest. (boy, I worked past midnight yesterday...).

p.s. I meditated until 2 in the morning... #$%@!

Day 20 -- Blessings

Dear Dairy,

I worked the whole day and finally solved the moving monster problem. I went on and did the temptation of comfort. I think I have now gotten hold of what the timer is doing. I swam in the underwater meditation room, which didn't have a people in it.

Then I called Scrud and was a little disappointed to hear that he have had already held the wedding ceremony in my altar, without my prescence...It's a pity that we don't have a synchronized schedule... Here I will write down the blessings I owed them:

To Princess Leo and jh'Scrud:
May the Wind and Water bless the souls and bodies of the two here, who wish
to stay together by the bond of love, affection and mutual caring;
For the Wind is changes we perceive, of what we see, of what we hear, of what we feel;
For the Water is TIME, of all the changes; of the world, of the body, of the mind.
May the blessing of the Wind and Water be upon them, forever.

In the evening, after a late dinner, I led a canine, Genimus Maximus to my old dream, after leading another furre through my new dream. I managed to set up two dreams at the same time because Genius stayed in my old dream (aka home) after I left him in the single meditation cloud, so I could went out to the Imaginarium to set up the new dream.

I took a walk in the new (RPG) dream and was amazed at how short the trip was, compared to the effort I spent in it. As I walked from the yellow brick road to the green land, I decided that the yellow section was too short. Therefore, I have decided that the road of choosing fame and wealth should not cause one to go into the black hell, but instead, more challenges. Yellow for the choice and the castle of challenges...sounds good.

Before I slept, I applied some of my new techniqes learnt to my old home -- I made the fire flickers.

Day 21 -- Humor

Dear Diary,

I get my second version of the RPG thing up, and had Scrud, who looked very different from the last time I saw him, tested it for me.

I worked the whole morning to repair the bugs, and I succeeded. I managed to recycle and replace (so that there's a constant supply) the props that is essential for the game.

In the afternoon, after lunch, I asked Scrud about his new body.

And he told me that there's an important message he wanted to give me: that my curse is 'The Song of Creation, dragon magic'?! Scrud told me so...

He explained that it's a memory-remover spell. I went on explaining to him that I have not lost my memory at all. I just DON'T have, as a divided soul from the Wind and Water.

I went on asking his new body, and he answered that he is now a vampire HUNTER! What a change! I asked him his reason for the change, and he replied one word, 'Honor'. I wonder how the change is done...

Then I asked him whether he was hunting vampire at THE MOMENT and he, to my surprise, told me to hush because he was DATING A VAMPIRE!!

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