The Diary of Windera Z. Aquaz

Page 7

Day 17 -- Shaky grounds

Dear Diary,

I wandered in a few dreams and finally decided to change my home entrance to the entrance of Imaginarium. My home's ecosystem is finally at balance (i.e. become a self-maintained system) Just as I set up my entrance there, I noticed 3 friends sitting just a few steps away from my home, and invited them into my dream.

Therefore, three friends met in my home today: ShadeKnight, jh'Scrud and Angelina. The second proposed to Leo Princess, while ShadeKnight proposed to the third one, both on the same day (the day before).

I told Scrud that he could use my altar for his wedding ceremony, and I will be his ceremony holder.

Just when we met, Angelina pointed out my self-description had a spelling mistake. She wasn't doing well, and was meditating bitterly all through the conversations, therefore I sincerely invited her to my meditation cloud, the one for single person used, which I would normally reserve for myself. I guided the sad Feline into the cloud, and meanwhile, chatting with ShadeKnight.

And meanwhile she got trapped... and panicked and left the dream immediately. I felt remorse. I should have told her how to leave (which is to stand up firmly), despite the fact that she seemed to have a substantial need for a quiet little place for meditation.

Then the three of us continued to sit in the foir (ok, that's the plaza-like sitting place for 4 near the main entrance). Scrud tried the size of ring, from ShadeKnight, then ShadeKnight left, too.

The two of us sit in the foir just outside the main entrance. He then told me about the stupid oath he made "serve WZA until last breath" weeks before, together with his story, in steps

1 met WZA(me)
2 loved trapped kitten (am I ever trapped?)
3 swore to serve (he told this to many others, too)
4 freed WZA (?!)
5 was told not to serve (by the never-dead furres)
6 died to fulfill oath (therefore the oath is no longer valid)
7 found love (whom he has proposed to)

He claimed that he thought he had freed me when he found my 'bound body' beneath the Aquaria Tavern. He touched 'me', and I vanished. I had never went into Aquaria Tavern, right, dear Diary?

I explained to him that my problem was only a memory one, and was never trapped. I never had a second body, nor have 'I' been dead. What he had seen must be hallucination. I told him about the lost technology I read in the book called Biological Psychology, and explained to him that one sees not only due to retinal activity (which is theoretically not necessary), but brain activity (which is sufficient and necessary). I pointed out that direct stimulation to the brain can also create vivid visual experience. He admitted that he had never guarded against the possibility of hallucination, and went into meditation. I left him in the foir and went to meditate.

And I remembered the chat I had with a furre during a wandering trip a dew days ago.

I told the furre that time is exists because we have a memory. Memory is a necessary condition to the sense of time.

She then told me that she thought that it's untrue because we see memory as a sort of linear line of incidents, because we have the concept of time.

I didn't agree with her, because I feel there's something else...and I left her and continued my wandering.

Now I think I know why we see the time relationship between our memory, which the furre claimed that, without our conpcept of time, we would see as sand in a beach.

I remembered yesterday's incidents. And I will remember today's. What's more, I'll remember that today I have the memory of yesterday. It's this sort of I-remember-that-I-remembered kind of thing that I think, brings us the sense of time.

Because we don't seem to remember having more than one 'now's, nor remembering having exclusive 'now's

e.g.of remembering exclusive 'now'
Let 6,5,4 be some incidents
6(5(4)) = I remember that 6, 5, 4 and I remembered at 6 that I remember 5&4 and I remembered that at 5 I remembered 4.
= A memory set of {6(5,4), 5(4)}
Let the 2 exclusive 'now's be A and B
Then the memory set of having 2 exclusive 'now's will be {A(6,5,4), B(6,5,4), 6(5,4), 5(4)}

But, wait, diary, what is 'now'? That we have one and only one 'now' at any 'moment'?

It's definition of words again...What is exclusive?

Our concepts are all built on shaky grounds...of the wind and water, bless me.

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