The Diary of Windera Z. Aquaz

Page 6

Day 14 -- Encounter

Dear Diary,

Today, after I re-registered my dream again, I wandered in Furcadia, (meeting Yukishiro Enishi, who was an important figure in Rurouni Kenshin, who was lost in his own reminisce when I met him...) and finally brought Solyce, a Feline, who hasn't have breakfast and was busy doing some mental calculation as peperation for her work later in the day, to my home (and free breakfast for her).

After breakfast, I showed her around my place and very soon, we both left for our own work... I have decided, my dear diary, that I must catch up with my memory and ability...being a messanger of the powerful wind and water and knowing nothing (being ignorant) is NOT something I am particularly happy about...therefore I went into several's dreams, but they didn't help at all, unlike the Himura incident. Therefore, I decided that I should first, study the books I bought on the first day of my memory. I went back to my private room in Laputa, and picked up a large book from my bookshelf. 'Biological Psychology', so it said on the cover.

Then I noticed a very faint but shining mark when I rubbed my hand on the cover: it was a circle, with some very beautiful and complicated designs inside the circle.

The book was about the physical container of the mind. The brain, the neurons, the action potentials, the neurotransmitters and synapses and receptors...

I gulped down the enormous amount of information, and was very tired after 4 hours of intense study. I therefore decided to sleep through the whole of the later part of the afternoon, after taking a light (and late) lunch, and writing this down, as I have a feeling that I would sleep all the way till tomorrow...

Day 15 -- Surprise

Dear Diary,

I really slept all the way till twelve today.

I went to New Haven and invited a beautiful phoenix called LoveBeam, who had had a 'bummed' week as she called it, to my home to have a quiet relax. Unforturnately she's afraid of water, therefore I tried not to leave her inside the sea and didn't lead her into the underwater meditation room.

And I discovered a bug in my dream as we get back indoor from the Garden of Laputa: If there's someone else already inside the blue door and another one tried to get into the blue door from the garden, then the poor one would be transfered to the wooks OUTSIDE , where there's no way to get indoor again... and poor LoveBeam got trapped |||>o<" I had to apologize to her.

I left her in the meditation cloud for 3 persons and went back up to laputa to have lunch. As I chewed at the elastic flesh of the large fish caught last night, I thought about what happened last night and this morning, as I repaired my dream for the bug just discovered, and checked up whether there's similar bugs.

Obviously, after I wrote the diary yesterday, and before I went to bed, I picked up the book again to read on the bed. Then I drooped off, and slept, embracing the book, because I woke up still embracing the book.

And felt wierd. I didn't know what's wierd, though. I tried to think.

Then I realized that it must have been that I have had weird dreams. What were the dreams about?

Right. The dreams were about Biological Psychology. The wierd thing is that it looked like that the dreams was about the contents of the book. It was vivid and didn't seem like my own dream. That's part of what's weird. I could still remember some of the contents I read about. They weren't related to those I've read.

I finished the repairment work and went back to Laputa to continue the reading. I flapped the pages over and suddenly stared at a picture, which was in a chapter I stil haven't gone through yet, and strongly remembered that I had dreamt about this picture, which I shouldn't have seen, and very clearly I knew what the meaning of that picture was about. I read the chapter and was amazed that I have already knew about those stuff! I shouldn't! I flapped over the book quickly and was a *little bit relieved to find that I didn't seem to know about things in the last 3 chapters. I tried to calm myself down, trying to persuade myself that I must have gone over a lot of chapters yesterday evening without myself knowing, and started on the chapters that I haven't read.

In less than an hour, it dawned to me what was REALLY weird. Many techniques used in the experiment described in the book SHOULDN'T have appeared, EVER! The technology level of the stuffs (like fMRI, electronic scanning) used in some research was obviously above Furcadia's! I stared unbelievably at this book, and tried to think up alternative explanation to the one that it's something from Furcadia's lost technologies. May be it's a joke. I cannot tell whether it is or not.

I put down the book, and decided I need a quiet time. I went to the single meditation cloud after I wrote this down.

Day 16 -- Swirl of Mist

Dear Diary,

I meditated till morning...after breakfast, I brought in ShadeKnight, who was in great sorrow due to the death of someone he cared about, and let him to have some quietness in the single meditation cloud. Then I wandered around in others dreams and got myself really tired and bored. I had a quick dinner, didn't check whether ShadeKnight was still there, and went to sleep.

p.s. Dear Diary, it's like a swirl of mist, my mind, I mean. There are too many things and feelings that cannot be expressed by words. And we can communicate 'accurately' only with words. Or is it so? What happens to knowledge that cannot be spelt out, or communicate accurately?

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