The Diary of Windera Z. Aquaz

Page 5

Day 12 -- Memory

Dear Diary,

I wasn't sure because I was not sleeping properly last night or what, this morning when I woke up, I couldn't open my eyes. I tried to sleep again for several minutes until my eyes could see again. Then, sleepily, I re-registered my home and slept in it again till afternoon.

I wandered in the busy town center of Imaginarium, and discovered an interesting name 'Himura Kingdom'. I went into it(ok, that's a name of someone's dream), and wondered why the name 'Himura' seemed to set up ripples in my subconsciousness. 'Himura'...why! It's because of 'Himura Kenshin'! (editor 262501: Himura Kenshin (Himura is the surname) is the main character in one of the Akida's favourite mangas -- Rurouni Kenshin (aka Samurai X in USA), drawn by Nobuhiro WATSUKI.)

As I walked around the place, which consists of a vast indoor place consisting of many many rooms, arranged in linear fashion, more about 'Himura' was shown up.

'Himura' was a fictitious samurai (Japanese knight) very good at Japanese sword skills. He lived in the era of early 19th century (after 1850). He was so powerful that people often commented that he alone could beat a whole league of soldiers, and gave him the name 'battousai' which meant that he killed immediately when his sword was out of his. In the name of righteousness, he killed many not-so-really-bad people because he had taken side inside a political battle that ended with the establishment of the Meiji Era. He had directly and indirectly hurt many, including his wife, and himself, physically and mentally because he had taken side in the war. He regretted it, and became a 'rurouni' (wandering samurai) that used a 'sakabatou' (which meant 'reversed-blade sword', a special Japanese sword that had its blade facing the user...

I met the Rah (the Furre in charge of a dream), who's a Feline, called Sonomi. I asked her whether she knew of Kenshin or not. She did know about Kenshin. A weird thing in Himura Kingdom was that everyone's portrait changed into a manga style, which is much more beautiful then the original one. However, I didn't like her kingdom very much, becuase it looked like any other castle I had went there, so I left.

As I went back to Imaginarium, I wondered why have I retained this bit of memory about this fictitious character. Sure, Kenshin was a beautiful man, but many others are. And there's a special feeling whenever I thought of him -- it's a kind of melancholic feeling that hurts me bit by bit from underneath.

Dear Diary, don't you think that this is absurd? I lost my memory about so many 'facts' but retained some fictitious one? On the way back home, I invited a Feline with red hair and white fur,w ho was just plainly sitting in a room upstairs in a 2-storeyed building, doing nothing, waiting for nobody, to my home.

As the last part of the tour around my place (Dear Diary, I have somehow formulated a sort of planned tour for guest know: water surface->Laputa->Garden of Laputa->altar->underwater meditation room->meditiaion site in the clouds), I brought the guest, who had a foreign name that I couldn't now remember correctly, to the L-shaped little bath pool in the clouds which was meant for meditation. I sat down, waiting for her excitement(or so I thought then) to die down. She appeared and reappeared, like Scrud did yesterday, in between hustling in the little bath for nearly 10 seconds each time after she appeared, before calming down herself and sat at the other end of the 'L'. Then she said, 'It's weird. I saw two of myself.'

So what Scrud said yesterday was not a joke told to amuse me. I plainly told the guest that I had never seen another 'me'. Then something in me twinkled. Uncontrollably, I told her that the other one of her she had seen was the other side of her. She had 'two sides', like most people, and she only knew about one. That's why she saw two of herself when she stepped into this meditation room, which probably had a sort of natural spell that made anybody who stepped into the place to see oneself clearly, to hear and feel one's thoughts and feelings calmly. After leading her around my big place, I left her alone in the altar, and went back to Laputa (editor 262501: just a reminder -- Laputa is the name that little Windy gave to her house up above in the sky inside her dream/home) to have my dinner and sleep.

Day 13 -- Silence

Dear Diary,

Nothing really happened today. I brought another guest into my dream. The guest, Spirit Motama was a spirit of the Forest. She didn't like the overwhelming prevalence of water in my home, so she stayed in the garden of Laputa all the way for her visit, and she ended up fading out, because of the 'lack' of flora...

After lunch, I visited the dream of coweb, who was my neighbour. It's a reasonably large world full of webs, worded cushions, pool tables, bars and sites for various sorts of music performances.

And I did a little survey on the ecosystem of my little home. The sea and woods are doing fine. May be I can detach the system from the sea water supply (i.e. move away from the swimming pool) in a few days.

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