The Diary of Windera Z. Aquaz

Page 11

Day 30 -- Knot of Wind

Dear Diary,

Early in the morning, Harlequins, Linria, BlackWerewolf went into my RPG dream. Harlequins were quick at finishing the challenges. During the game, Linria went into some hibernation state supposedly summoned by someone else...

I made an air bot today, using lost technologies. It's a sort of 'doll' that looks like a furre but is controlled by another furre. I called it Rainbow Challenge, and made it the guide of the RPG game I made. It has a look of a Lapine (rabbit).

As mine is made of air, so a pervert which threatened me with a knief saying he hated rabbits couldn't succeed in scaring me off.

How can you cut air with a knief? Lost technologies are very useful indeed...

I went to Kill Preps's park today after lunch.

There's some very interesting mechanics there though deserted.

Then I went into the Empire of Mopolo, which was a boring deserted place.

Then I tried to find some challenger.

I got Trixx and Khdarin Gryphonheart.

KG took the path of wealth and got through easily, while Trixx took the dreamer's way.

KG left after finishing the green maze.

Trixx succeeded and told my bot that it's fun.

Then after dinner, I went to Hogw&rts School of Witchcraft.

At the entrance, there's a big Hogw&rts logo there... was amazed at seeing such thing at furcadia... but the place was as deserted as other dreams were and was composed of many look-alike (actually I think it's identical) places.

Then Malistor came and did the challenge again, and then Abigor, Gladius, black dragon and red canine. Only Gladius finished the challenge.

After Gladius finish the challenge, I went to Gladius' Fire Tavern. And chatted till my mind was foggy.

And here I think I should add a summary of what had happened in my first month in Furcadia:

I found out that I am here in Furcadia because I have something to tell the furres here. I built the Rainbow Challenge, which is an outstanding mini-RPG game in Furcadia, and an air bot to act as the guide for challengers of the game.

And a list of those who completed the whole Rainbow Challenge under my eye in the first month!

1. jh'Scrud
2. Deathworg
3. Kamereon Rei
4. Leoken Perry
5. Draven Dethton
6. Umbra Morte
7. Elly Boggs
8. Shilana
9. Scuro Re
10. Kain D'artagnan
11. Amianiss
12. Sweet dreamer
13. Jinu
14. Ononoke
15. BlackWerewolf
16. Harlequins
17. Trixx
18. Malistor
19. Gladius

p.s. If anyone found mistakes at the above list, please email to 262501 the editor by [email protected] !

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