Diary of Windera Z. Aquaz (page 42)

Month 3

Day 68 -- The Rainbow Ring

(Day 8 of the Third Month)

Dear Diary,

I finished the Rainbow Ring today. I had been working on it a month ago, because I thought that I must have a sort of hall for challengers and some place to place the two games. However, I found that there was no need for a hall because at that time I had only one game, therefore I stopped the work all together, and forgotten it all over after a while, and didn't bother even to write it down. But now, I really need a place to house the two games, and the Ring suddenly came into my mind. The Ring had 7 areas, 6 in a circle and one in the middle. The whole edifice hanged in the sky with the same technology used in Laputa and Zephiroth.

There were the orange entrance hall, red dining room, yellow rest area, blue library, and the green ball-game lawn with a graceful balcony on the side forming the Ring, and the purple game hall with swimming pool in the middle.

After finishing the Ring, which was after lunch, I made an entrance to the Ring in Imaginarium and tried to load the two dreams in the game hall. To my dismay, I cannot make two entrances at the same time, even in my own dream. The Furcadian Portal system seemed to preventing this� Rainbow Rain was indeed a VERY beautiful place, suddenly I realized. There was a sort of elegance and beatitude in the air, and the beauty was near ethereal. I didn't know why I suddenly felt like that. I set up the Rainbow Challenge entrance in the side of the game hall which had a tag 'easy', and found Gaia Lunerstone to have a look at the Ring.

As Gaia walked around the Ring, I explained the work I have been doing. However, she was busy and left after walk around once. She commented the place as 'very nice'.

Actually, to keep things in the Ring in a reasonably neat state, I have added a guarding system which ensures that no one could kick balls in the library, dining room and entrance hall. Also, the objects downstairs (the three aforementioned places were upstairs) could not be brought upstairs. I had totally forgotten the fact that Rainbow could also set up portals� it must be the obvious state of him which had made me decided that he was not suitable for work.

I cancelled the portal to the Ring and decided that I only needed a direct entrance to the game for the time being.

I soon got Mopoo and BiVolt, a golden Cabbit which belonged to Mopoo.

BiVolt continued playing in the game, finding out the alternative paths after they succeeded He was then invited to be a guide of the game which he accepted.

Meanwhile, Yuran Isle (Lividie), came into the game and soon became the third successful challenger of the day. She was toured around my house, in which I told her about my diary, and the work I have been doing on the new game, the Challenge of the Wind and Water.

Yuran was very interested in the game and therefore was made to test the game for me.

I warned her that this is a very dangerous game, compared to Rainbow Challenge, because wrong deeds will bring you death. One will have to start again once dead.

The endless cliff was not endless. But nevertheless, Yuran commented that the game was a 'clever' one.

I worked on the cliff for the rest of the afternoon, until I fixed the problem.

I added the entrance hall and added more constraint to the cloud jumping part, had dinner, and went out to the city center again.

Mopoo and BiVolt was still around, so I invited them to read my diary. Mopoo seemed to like my diary a lot couldn't wait to read more. BiVolt came in and replayed the game for several times, to find out the solution of the path of Fame, which he hadn't in the morning.

I invited Princess Sami to the game. BiVolt was not a natural guide, and had difficulties in guiding the challengers without giving the solution away. The two of us together guided Sami, which I hoped would help BiVolt with his future guiding work.

Meanwhile, Mopoo replayed the game to find out the alternative paths. Mopoo was a little bit angry that the path of Dreamer was so easy, but he became less angry when I told him that only 1/5 of the challengers could take it on their first try, because more than half of them drop their Power at the temptation of Comfort.

After some time, Sami finally succeeded.

Then the three of us made a visit to Mopoo's place, which has the style of a typical Equine's dream.

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