Diary of Windera Z. Aquaz (page 43)

Month 3

Day 68 -- The Rainbow Ring, page 2

(Day 8 of the Third Month, page 2)

There was a large plain, farms, holiday resorts and a little museum where there were 'rare' animals and plants.

We watched a demonstration of plants growing at an super-fast speed.

However, in my words, the place was boring. Mopoo explained that it was because there was no music. I had expressed that I hated noisy places before I went into his dream, which Mopoo had taken care and switched off all the musics in his place. I must here thanked him for his hospitality. I told Mopoo when he was still sitting at the entrance of Rainbow Challenge reading my diary, that I thought making plains in one's dream was a bad practice because it's a sort of lazy techniques. The default setting of a dream is plain (with grass on it). Mopoo had visited my living place in the morning which he commented as cozy.

I explained about the meditation sites, the altar and Laputa, which are something visitors without me touring them around often miss, and Mopoo sourly declared that I was making his dream sound crappy. I talked about the recent work I had been doing, and the funny things about the Wind and Water system of Furcadia, and Mopoo seriously complained that he felt, more, that his dream was crappy.

Most dreams(70% I would say) are crappy, in my opinion. But I respect the fact that all furres can set up their entrance in some places in Kasuria. These were the thoughts which I didn't put to my mouth.

Mopoo finally rasped that 'so I guess you can conclude my dream is average...'

I was not aware that he was really very unhappy, grudgeful actually, at that time. I still continued saying something like 'well the concept is average, layout average, creativity average (I thought that creativity would only be bad if someone uses a standard dream like jh'Scrud�), and interestingness, bad.'

And I thought his temper broke.

Mopoo trapped BiVolt and me in the museum and disappeared, stomped away, I guess.

I wasn't aware (how stupid and uncaring I was) that Mopoo was sulky and used the wind to bring the two of us back to the entrance of Rainbow Challenge, and nearly used force to bring the two to see the Rainbow Ring.

The two originally wanted to play the Rainbow Challenge again. I thought it was only an act of indulgence, but now that I thought of it, they might be thinking about trying to mess it up�

This is because, after the three of us were in the Ring, I was so delighted by the beauty of the place that I bragged about it almost continuously. I had, without blushing, said that the Ring was the most beautiful dream (done without patches) in Furcadia.

There wasn't much harm, though, and they even praised about the Ring with me.

Finally, I proudly declared that there was even a guarding system which prevent furres to kick balls in the library, because I could see, by then, that Mopoo was trying to mess the place up.

And that triggered Mopoo to have a strong will to mess up the place.

He first tried, as I had said, kicking balls in the library, which he couldn't.

So he tried to mess the place up by displacing everything he could move.

The golden dragon in the rest room was dumped to the pool, the ball was kicked into the water, all the mats in the rest room was moved around etc.

I could simply laughed at their stupid acts.

No harm could be done to a dream unless the harm is allowed by the dream owner.

And I decided, having nothing to do, to play with them.

I tried to place, manually, the things back into the same place while the two of them tried to displace every thing.

Finally, we were tired and stopped the farce.

P.s. BiVolt said that his favourite dream was Ariana City. Might be I should find some time to visit that place.

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