Diary of Windera Z. Aquaz (page 44)

Month 3

Day 69 -- Wish (I)

(Day 9 of the Third Month, page 1)

Dear Diary,

I decided to talk to Rainbow today. He told me that he was silent by default. Just as I wanted to tell him that I think he should do the guiding work for me today, I observed that his body was turned to face the exit of Laputa a bit.

So I said that if you like to wander around, that's ok, but first he should first familiarize with the Rainbow Ring, which I had built while keeping him in mind.

He looked at the Ring and praised that it was indeed a beautiful place. He thanked me and went out.

I studied some more about artificial neural network today. As the network learns, the system was designed so that the weight would increase for each connection and therefore the network would find it more difficult to learn. It was thought to be a simulation of biological neurons. And I found this assumption tempting to be believable, though objectively speaking, I am not quite sure it is.

And there was an interesting thing in the artificial network property mentioned: large (in absolute sense) learning rate was bad for one if one is close to the solution. The artificial network simulation program I was playing with had constant absolute learning speed for the whole process of learning, though I would bet it isn't in real biological systems.

In the late afternoon, Rainbow told me that I might like to take over him because he thought he was requested, though not explicitly, to speak to me directly. But I just told Rainbow to go on, and that I would watch him (aka he would sent the optical and audio signals to me). In the end, I had kept my role as a silent achiever.

Rainbow was then in the Imaginarium, down the SE street. A furre called Kain Edoan was sitting with Rainbow at a little piece of lawn beside the road.

Rainbow told me that it was him who had started a conversation with Kain Edoan, trying to invite him to the Rainbow Challenge. But then he seemed to remember that Kain had done the Challenge before and therefore chatted with him leisurely.

Kain then told Rainbow how his life in Furcadia was affected by life of the other World.

As Rainbow briefed me on the situation, he told me that according to his database, he judged that this furre he was talking to liked lying a lot. What's more, he was someone who probably was indulged in attracting other's attention with every possible mean, including verbal and other behavioral ones, which might be the reason why he had ran onto chatting with him.

I smiled bitterly at the honesty of my bot.

I ran a quick check on the list of successful challengers and couldn't find his name on it, but there were really successful challengers who either was called Kain, or had the surname of Edoan. I questioned Rainbow afterwards about his faulty memory. He apologized that it was because I had not told him to remember names of successful challengers. He just thought that the furre's name was very familiar and deduced that as he had only met furres through the game, he must be one of the players�

And the joke was, when I poked Kain whether he had really played Rainbow Challenge before, he insisted he had, but refused to show the solution to me so that I might put his name on the list.

At the dinner, I also enquired about how he deduced that Kain was an attention seeker. So the two of us listen to the record of the conversation from the beginning.

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