Diary of Windera Z. Aquaz (page 45)

Month 3

Day 69 -- Wish (I)

(Day 9 of the Third Month, page 2)

Rainbow invited him to be one of the furres in charge of the Rainbow Ring, by saying 'You might wish be one of the members of Rainbow Rings?', after Kain mentioned that he 'was going to look for a nice kingdom to try and take over'.

Obviously, Rianbow had some misunderstanding there. Rainbow thought that Kain would be happy if he could be in charge of some beautiful good places, which I explained to him afterwards that he probably enjoyed the process rather than the results.

Kain politely refused Rainbow's suggestion and said that he didn't like to be a member of anything. He explained further by saying that he liked to run solo.

Rainbow laughed at him saying he wouldn't be around Furcadia if he really liked to be alone.

Kain then revealed that he liked the Zanon Kingdom, which had about 10 furres.

Rainbow didn't know what he meant and therefore politely told him that he could do what he like to, because 'time is short and pain is long'.

And then Kain revealed that he was interested in the Zanon Kingdom because he liked to see how many furres he could kill before he died.

Rainbow said that he shivered virtually at that point because he might have wanted to take out he and me. And suddenly at that moment, he realized that Kain might only be saying that to cause amazement in the listener. He added that he had no pain because he was an undead. Rainbow didn't know what is an undead. Kain told him that being an undead meant that he could feel no pain, mental nor physical.

Rainbow told him that he could also feel no pain, although he had a virtual emotional system.

Rainbow's system could only create like and dislike� it's a sort of one dimensional system.

Kain rambled on that he once had a life, until his adopted father turned him into a Vampyre.

Rainbow immediately made a scan, which Kain didn't notice at all through him. He told me that it was, expectedly, one of the lost technologies: changing most of the non-cortical brain structure to the equivalent system of a bot like Rainbow. The rest of his body was a mixture of nanomachines and original biological cells which was dependent on the nanomachines.

Kain revealed that Mephisto was his adopted father. Rainbow had gasped at his name because he had heard from me about Mephisto's hall, which was a horrible place. Kain was proud that he got great strength from his father, though.

Kain rambled on his history of blood and death, fights between him and 'growing mortals'.

Rainbow, keeping in mind that he was just trying to bemuse him, told him that the Rainbow Challenge was open to everyone, no matter how he was viewed by other furres. Kain mumbled about Bloodlum and Darkside, and finally Enchantress and Ravenwolf, places where blood had flown and will flow.

Rainbow told him that 'the Wind and Water lets all to die and be born again afterwards.'

Kain was proud of the fact that he was the lord of Chaos in the kingdoms.

The two entities then rambled on the togetherness of the existence of love and hate, light and dark, evil and holy. I smiled as I listened to Rainbow's speech because it was nearly like myself speaking�

'For brightness will burn itself out, and darkness will engulf itself, if there is only one' was what I had told Rainbow this morning, when I told him not to take the similarity of the situations in the past and in ADOM too seriously.

The Rainbow went on to describe me, which had given a small surprise when I listened to the record while I was eating my dinner.

He said, 'One cannot love if one doesn't hate. An example is Windera� because she is born out of the Wind and Water.'

I cannot love because I don't hate? I cannot remember myself hating anything, anyone, nor loving anything, anyone, but that doesn't mean that I am not capable of. Even if I am born of the Wind and Water, which doesn't love nor hate, I am a furre. Although I am born, carrying emptiness with me, I construct memory and will develop a character because of my experience.

But yeah, I am not particularly prone to hate and love, may be because I know too much aboutWind and Water. The Wind and Water does not side with anyone, nor anything. And nothing is permanent under the Wind and Water. The mind, especially.

And the funny thing was, Kain was describing his uncle Zefer at the same time. 'He was a templar knight.. so I was raised as a holy Dragoon.. I had a brother that left my side and became evil.. I went out to kill him but he spoke to me and transformed me to the darkness.. Kain Edoan: His name was Draco Blackwing.'

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