Diary of Windera Z. Aquaz (page 46)

Month 3

Day 69 -- Wish (I)

(Day 9 of the Third Month, page 3)

And then he turned to his original 'style' and bragged about how much comrades (?) and a good friend he had killed. Rainbow tried to show him the he was not bemused. He told him that the Wind and the Water appreciates all deeds because all deeds are a part of the Wind and Water.

Kain didn't give up. He tried very hard to say a lot of amusing things he did in Kasuria and other worlds. Rainbow told me as the record ran on that he didn't quite understand what Kain was trying to say. I told Rainbow that those things were worse than well written stories.

But there was something interesting Kain said during his miscellaneous rambling: he said, in the other World, he hated the fact that he belonged to a race which acted like a master race, which he claimed is not.

In my view, there was nothing like a master race but being a member of a race which acted like a master race over the other races was not necessary and thing that is bad. Nor good. It is just quite dangerous.

And he told Rainbow that in the other World, one had to get a job so that one is not looked down. Rainbow was obviously amused at this (which Kain had not predicted). In Kasuria, having a job was just like wearing a cape. It's is just a sort of accessories, but in the other World, I taught Rainbow, it was a nearly must-thing if one had to live.

Rainbow told me late at night that he had set up the entrance to the Rainbow Challenge in the afternoon, but there were no furres around� which means that it's impossible for him to find challengers.

And at this moment, dear Diary, when I was trying hard to write down the stuffs accurately, I really feel that the work was tedious and doubted whether I would need such a detailed diary.

After some meditation in the clouds, I concluded I would like to know the wish of others. I didn't know why was that, but it's a wish.

Kain had sought to amuse others. He wished to belong to another race in the other World so that he might be proud of his race. He wished to have a free life in the other World, which he couldn't. And because he was not happy in the other World, in which he was not accepted, he could not be happy in Furcadia. He considered himself as a furre who would like to wipe out lives until he died. Did he seek for death? Was that he was just frustrated that he had nothing he could be proud of himself from the bottom of his heart? And realized that he would not have any to proud of in the future?

But he had said that he did not wish to die, in Furcadia, nor in the other World.

Was there anything the Wind and Water could bring him?


That was the answer I could only think of. Chance is something that all may get. And because of the unpredictability of Chance, and that it might not be perceived, everyone will keep themselves alert and hope for it, and dream.

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