Diary of Windera Z. Aquaz (page 51)

Month 3

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(Day 17 of the Third Month, page 2)

He then asked me how, when he had materialized to the point that he could be killed, he should fight. I quickly refer him to one of the database in the central message system and told him that he would know how to fight once he had completed his materialization, which was a process that required a formatted technique, which was stated in the database I referred him to.

His violent blood seemed to be boiling. He immediately asked me to 'try out a fight' with him. I boldly declared that I hated fights. However, I thought that to show him some of my abilities would sooth him down because my ability seems to be the best in counteracting his. Water is forever against the Fire...

I created a little stream of air under his cape (everyone entering the castle will get a cape) and moved the water inside his body to make him feel comfortable.

Mushra was unable to feel the stream of wind caressing his back and asked me implicitly for a bigger show by throwing a magic scythe through my cape. I let the scythe to damage my cape and then used the power of Wind and water to hold the broken fibers together.

With a smile in my heart, I told him that a bigger wind would be bad for him because he belonged to Fire.

Sometime during this all-for-nothing fight or before, I told him that he could actually start fights at anywhere in the Imaginarium, like using what he had suggested: punch someone in the back.

Mushra definitely didn't got an instinct on the 5-elements theory and he started throwing a fireball at a Feline passing by.

Luckily, the Feline was able to dodge the attack. I immediately scolded Mushra for his fighting-for-fun attitude. I suddenly had no motive to hold my cape together and let it broke into two pieces. I picked up the detached piece of cloth and examine the cut edge.

There's a little line of blackness at the cut edge. So, that was a scythe that used high temperature as attack method, to add to it's sharp edge. I smiled.

Mushra neglected my words and continued to shoot fire at the unfortunate Feline. This time he used something more powerful and therefore I immediately created a water wall to shell the Feline from the attack.

Then I knew what would stop his senseless attack. I whispered to him that not everyone like to fight for fun and simply left him, in the middle of the main hall and continue with my sight-seeing.

A few seconds later, he sent a message to me, saying that the Feline was probably scared of him and had left the castle, and he was obviously disappointed because he had not been able to really had a fight.

I messaged him that everyone would be scared of him if he continued to attack everyone in sight, while I did my sightseeing. The castle was not really bad, and had a design of space that was just right for a grand castle of its type.

Nevertheless, I still don't like being alone in a spacious and deserted place. In a minute, I sensed that Mushra was running around the castle, finding me. I smiled and quickened my step.

Then Mushra, who seemed to be desperate to make me show myself, grabbed at a knife he was carrying about and stabbed it into his own leg. He sent a message to me about his deeds, explained that it's sort of apology for 'being dumb', before he collapsed at the stairs which led to the entrance hall of the castle.

I quickly arrived at where he was, and saw that he was really bleeding all over the red mat. I stopped his blood easily by controlling the water flow inside his leg and told him that I don't like furres who attempt to use violence to solve all problems.

Dear Diary, violence is always destructive...

Then the two of us then went back to the Ringbow Ring. After showing him around the Ring, I led him into the swimming pool and led him to lie down in the water. Then I secretly used my power to control Time and healed his leg.

I had read from the lost books that Time control had to be done in secret, with the definition of secret that when the controlling was done, there should not be any furre that is not the controller know about the presence of the control. Or else, the control would be dangerous and could lead to unpredictable results.

Then the two of us had some food in the dining room. Afterwards, we collapsed at the restroom of the Ring. There seemed to be another challenger called Moon Samurai coming in when I fell asleep, but I couldn't keep myself awake to see if she managed to complete the Challenge�K

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