Diary of Windera Z. Aquaz (page 52)

Month 3

Day 78 -- The Medium

(Day 18 of the Third Month)

Dear Diary,

I closed myself up in the study today, after having a long sleep.

Meanwhile, Rainbow after recharging, opened the entrance to the Ring and the Challenge again, and started to carry out his usual job.

Rainbow told me that it had been a crowded day in the Imaginarium, and it was a weird sight seeing so much furres lying down in the sun, sleeping. Does that mean that there was no place for tired furres to sleep in? Rainbow had wanted to move the sleeping furres into the rest area of the Ring, but he didn't succeeded in waking up the furres, nor could he carry them around.

It proved to be a busy day. There were 6 successful challengers before Rainbow decided to ask me to help him, and then instead of me following him out, he was made to stay in to help me with my study about artificial neural network...

Aresar, Marlia, Jhonen Nightshade, Max Revino, Rinella and Majin Kakarot were the 6 furres who passed the Rainbow Challenge. Majin managed to find out all the alternative paths and completed the training to be one of the guides of the game.

Princess Sami gave a visit to the Ring today. She was one of the furres I and Rainbow got acquainted with through the game. She came in, yelling to me throught the message system that she couldn't 'get over how wicked cool' my dream was�K

Rainbow had a carefree game of football with her and then two furres came into the Ring, chatting at the entrance hall. One of them was Nagerus, who was another furre we got to know through the game. Rainbow then decided that if furres kept streaming in like this, he would have a really busy day and that some of the challengers might not be able to get enough help, and he (had planned to) left (for a while) to fetch me to help while asking Sami to guide any challengers that wanted to take up the Rainbow Challenge.

I was really happy to have this game as a medium of getting new friends, and to get Rainbow happily occupied. We (Rainbow and I) found it very rewarding that now challengers seemed to come streaming in and they all made positive compliments about the game after finishing it. The most negative comment we had ever received was that the game was too easy.

Well, the Rainbow Challenge was meant to be easy for some of the furres. It was a game that was meant to be meaningful, and not difficult. Those who had already knew and understood about the message that it was designed to give out will find the game too easy to win. Those who understood less would find it more difficult.

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