Diary of Windera Z. Aquaz (page 53)

Month 3

Day 79 -- The Magic Users

(Day 19 of the Third Month, page 1)

Dear Diary,

I practiced Tai Chi this morning under Rainbow's instruction. Then Rainbow went to his job in the Ring and Challenge and went wandering around the main cities of Kasuria. I have visited a few beautiful places this morning, but I couldn't remember which was what clearly afterwards because of what happened in the afternoon.

Then I went back, have lunch, and decided to finish my wandering, before my little study, by an after-lunch little walk in the Imaginarium. And I met Mushra. And I noticed him through his voice, not by sight, because he was green and black then, unlike the red haired furre I first met him.

Mushra had joined the Claymore family and adopted the surname Claymore. He was with his brother Durant. Then I followed him to his present home, which was an old clan, which was under refurbishment, for dark warriors. It was a magnificent place with the style and stuffs of the Lost Technology era. I was given a tour round the place, which gave me a dim, dark and sort of horrible feeling because the place didn't look cozy, and had a tensed up wind flowing around.

Then the two of us went to the Zanon Castle together. He led me into his room where I asked him to tell me about what's happened to him in the past few days.

He sat in his bed, and I sat on the mat on the ground, listening to his story. I took out my diary to make notes of his story, which he had claimed to be interesting when we were in his home.

Mushra told in a slow speed, 'Well it was yesterday and I was in Zanon sitting down and talking as usual.'

Then Mushra decided to go and sit out the front of the castle. After awhile he spotted a furre called Xelloss.

Mushra wasn't that famliar with him then but ran and told everyone he was there.

'After a while he, Ash and TH went outside to talk while me and several others waited for it to finish...' Ash, according to Mushra, is one of the Zanons knights and was a strong warrior.

Mushra wasn't in good health, judging from his words�

'After the talk I rushed out to the front. And Ash had gone blind so he wasn't harmed by a potion Xelloss had brought...After a bit TH did this thing to ASH: a mass of White Magic went into his eyes and half killed me... After a bit my life energy started to slip away and slowly started to die.'

He then added that before that happened ASH(?) formed a gigantic magic spell in which to FIX TH since he was dieing as well. However, ASH's magic seemed to be useless and Mushra got angry about it. When TH was better and Mushra wasn't, Mushra returned to the throne and spat out some 'naughty words'.

Mushra Claymore continued in a disorganized style, 'After this returned to the front and talked with Shani and Durant my brother. At then I fell to the ground not breathing. Shani healed me but a had lost my Fire mage powers and my body turned black.'

To conclude, he was severely hurt in a fight which involved the use of lost technologies. He was healed by lost his ability to control of Fire attacks. And the incident turned his fur and hair black.

Then my thought seemed to be wandering away. I didn't have the power of controlling the Wind and Water at the beginning. And my knowledge about what I can do started from zero. Luckily, he seemed to be more concentrated then and spoke coherently, so that I didn't need too much mental resources to understand what he was saying.

Awhile after the incident, Mushra talked to Durant for a long time. Durant helped him slowly restore his fire-related skills. The next day he started to build his dream and got struck by a Lighting rod during construction and tips of his hair and fur became green afterwards. He then added that whenever he 'powers up' to do attacks with magic he would flare up in green and so do his eyes... he even turned golden once and killed a furre by mistake... Mushra was very sad about that poor furre�

I expressed my apology and Mushra, with tears, told me that the lightning rod was a sort of important component in his home which gave out a force field. I couldn't imagine Mushra who had been killing and fighting for fun, will feel sorry for a furre's death like that.

Suddenly a white light comes from out of the fire next to him and formed a glowing ball and hit Mushra in the head. Mushra fainted almost immediately, after yelling 'Neiona' and soon fell off his bed.

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