Diary of Windera Z. Aquaz (page 54)

Month 3

Day 79 -- The Magic Users

(Day 19 of the Third Month, page 2)

I created an air cushion to slow his 'free drop'.

And I immediately send out a scanning Wind to monitor Mushra's condition, while trying to summon Neiona at the same time. Mushra's glucose and oxygen levels in his blood were dropping too quickly. If I didn't stop the drop, he would be dead in a few minutes. And what was worse, his body temperature was rising dangerously.

I immediately used my ability of controlling Water and Wind to cool off his internal organs.

The white light�white magic? I thought, as I was trying to give first aid to Musrha.

I have not read in any books which said that the type of healing technology now refer to as Holy/White magic would conflict with other streams of nanomachines/ artificial add-ons. But the problem here seemed to involve 'White Magic'...

After a while, Neiona was summoned in unwillingly. She tried to heal Mushra's dangerously low levels of glucose and oxygen by 'White Magic', and I wasn't able to stop her because Tiffani was so happy after finishing her game of Rainbow Challenge and was trying to start a message chat with me.

And as I tried to put my attention back to Mushra, Mushra was already getting hallucinations, and was obviously not getting any better.

I decided to take my chance.

I sended out a gush of Wind which surrounded Mushra's body and freezes the time in Mushra's body (aka change, with respect to the surroundings), found out where all the nanomachines in his body that was consuming a high level of glucose and oxygen (well, those machines, when active, will normally consume a certain substantial amount of energy), and other forms of energy as well, and destroy them all. Luckily, this wipe out didn't damage the already damaged biological body of Mushra.

My hypothesis was that some system of nanomachines Mushra was having in his body (he told me that he knew many kinds of 'magic') was responding maliciously on the nanomachines of the healing system which was imposed on him yesterday.

I had this idea because I have read that some nanomachine systems conflict actively with some other magic system, just like what hetero-biological implantation would cause - different cells systems (furres) attacks each other, and in a way, those nanomachines were a sort of artificial cell.

And such repulsive reaction occurs between what the furres always refer as 'White' and 'Black'. And I had remembered that Mushra has got quite a number of high-leveled 'Black' ones�

After this job, I explained to the unbelieving two about what I've just done and why I did that, in simple wordings, and told Neiona that her White 'magic' would probably work this time.

And Mushra's condition improved markedly from that point. Soon, he was able to complain about the fact that his 'magical' ability was wiped out, and was angry because he knew that he had inherited some special 'magic' from his parents.

It was unavoidable, because the situation was so dangerous that I had no time distinguishing which ones were the trouble-causers and selectively removed those. I only have the time to selectively wiped out those there were involved in making troubles.

So I explained to him that he probably still had some 'magic's left in his body, and acknowledged him with the fact that 'magical' ability is easily acquired (aka transfer of nanomachines) and learnt in Kasuria, I performed a scan in his body, and congratulated him that the special abilities he had got from his parents were preserved.

In the course of the scanning, I discovered that he had inherited a system that could control nuclear fusion and a set of genes which gave him many biological advantage, like a large potential in giving out glucose supply, and quick recovery rate from any biological damage.

I didn't told him about it because I felt that he should not know so much about his own abilities because he was NOT one of those who can control huge powers like him. He had been already making fun from hurting other furres with less abilities with his huge powers�

I seriously told him that he should not use his 'magic's till he (and his nano-systems) had wholly recovered, or else his nano-system would face a real complete wipe out.

Very soon, he had recovered to the degree of jumping down from his bed edge to find his dinner cold. So I told him to go to Rainbow Ring to get some warm stuffs to eat from Rainbow, which he did.

Then I quickly returned to my study.

Ah, and, Rainbow got WinMar and Tiffani as today's successful challengers.

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