Diary of Windera Z. Aquaz (page 55)

Month 3

Day 80 -- Contact with the Other World

(Day 20 of the Third Month)

Dear Diary,

In the morning, Rainbow got Chloe successfully completed the Rainbow Challenge, while I closed myself up with my study. I couldn��t help doing it really, because I really don��t want to use something that I don��t know how to control, and not knowing how to do so can be dangerous.

And Mushra, Rainbow reported to me at lunch, had called me up several times, whom was seemingly not in a very good state during the morning. (Now I discovered that my day is, on average, about 2 to 3 Furcadian Standard days)

I went out, as my after-lunch walk, to find Mushra, only to find that he had called me simply because he was bored.

So I wandered around in Allgeria Island instead, after sight-seeing a small leisure boat at Rainbow Bay. I wandered into an exotic Dojo (an exotic, non-academic school) called the Whispering Wind Dojo. It was a big, deserted dojo and I met a furre, who was once a member of the Dojo there. He explained to me that the Dojo once had several tens of furres living and practicing fighting skills, but all went away, or killed, because there were fights against some other parties as a result of some mistakes made by the Dojo leader.

He said that the ultimate reason was that there were furres who only felt happy living if they practiced an endless string of fights.

I decomposed myself, instinctively, upon the already known fact, into a gust of wind.

I collected myself in the meditation cloud in my home.

It is a fact, and a piece of innate knowledge for me that one can be born to fight. Many entities, here and in other Worlds just have a desire like eating, having sex etc But still, I have found myself unhappy when seeing an example of the fact that many of those desires had created way much wasteful behaviors

And all of those, were the children of Evolution -- one of the Mains of the Wind and Water, the one that governs the existence of everything.

All things that exist because they can. If one is being powerful enough, they can do stuffs that is simply a waste of effort and resources. Being powerful by definition is to have more than sufficient effort, abilities, and resources.

We exist because we have managed to exist. We can do whatever we can.

What can I do? Should I become one of the Mean ones of Evolution? I have no desire to be, or not to be...

Then another thought came into me suddenly. When have I acquired the ability of the Wind and Water? I didn��t realize I have that for several weeks! Did I got it since my arrival to Furcadia or on the morning I made the discovery?

Or... I had stumbled onto something at this point and didn��t want to write that out. To be accurate, I had contacted with a mind at that point and learnt something I didn��t want, to know.

But I care about what I have learnt.

It was about the connection between this world, and the Other World, that so many other parallel worlds always refer too: we are all connected to the Other World. What happens in the Other World does affect us. Deeply.

And there��s a thing that heavily contrasts here and there, the Other World: here, the mind can create physical effects through much more means then the Other World, and many other similar worlds. This means that here, we are more able as a creator, while in the Other World.

And, one of the main differences is the ability with Time. Although most furres probably don��t realizes their ability with Time as me do, we can all write our past.

The Present can determine the Past.

In the Other World, the Past controls the Present, and the Present has nothing it can do to the Past.

To be more accurate, the memory system is more rigid in the Other World, which means that it��s difficult to change anything. The Past happens to belong to Memory (Metal in the 5-element theory). From the quantitative point of view, the number of separable (physical) objects there were way far more numerous then in Furcadia.

Therefore, in a relative sense, furres can create more changes (more able) then entities in the Other World, because furres are relatively a large memory compared to the whole world of Furcadia then entities in the Other World versus the whole Other World. Memory produces changes when they interact.

And therefore, I can conclude that it��s possible that I have created my own ability, as well as my bot, my home (that��s obvious)�K

How is Furcadia linked to the Other World?

But at this point, I decided to stop my meditation and went back to my work. There were furres who insisted too much meditation is not good if the meditations are not paralleled by concrete studies. Could be.

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