Diary of Windera Z. Aquaz (page 56)

Month 3

Day 81 - Rainbow and me

(Day 21 of the Third Month)

Dear Diary,

So many things happened today...

Orphin Timmy, Herowin, Aqua Rabbit, Tigre Renan, Skynya Cat, Russana and Roxene were the successful challengers today.

I had my breakfast, and sent a greeting message to Mushra while Rainbow went out the open up the entrance to the Rainbow Ring and the Rainbow Challenge. He met Orphin Timmy, who was wearing tattered clothes, eyes red seemingly from frequent crying, near the just-open entrance.

Timmy asked Rainbow whether I would allow some other furres to manage the Ring and the Challenge when both of us (Rainbow and me) were not available.

Rainbow, luckily, sensed the tricky thing inside Timmy's question and told him that he did not totally understand his idea. Then he went to the garden to talk about the subject with me, whom was practicing Tai Chi.

As Rainbow showed me a few more new Tai Chi moves, I praised Rainbow for his 'instinct', because I am not planning to give away the manager position away, even part-timely, to any other furre, unless I trust him. But it is a tricky thing to explain why you don't trust or trust someone.

So I went out to the Ring and met Timmy. From the way he was acting, I could guess that he had an unusual relationship with Mushra.

Timmy actively told me that he was waiting for his new dad, Dimsey Lightfoot, which he had never met. Timmy had lost his father and mother, he said. But he was not willing to say more.

I decided that I should use my medium which had worked so well to know more about Timmy. And as I saw Timmy crossing each challenge like snapping his finger, my feeling that Timmy knew Mushra and had a close relationship with him stood there like the blue sky. But I could not justify my feeling in any way�

And I was dead right. Timmy soon asked me whether Mushra could implant the Rainbow Challenge in his 'time zone' and work as the game manager under another name, so that the game could be more popular.

Popular? No thanks. There's no popular place in Kasuria at all, except the main cities and the famous villages. Other places, even the most crowded one, have a population that do not exceed 10 furres at any time point.

And I hope that most challengers can be guided by Rainbow, who's under my control. My whole point is not to get as many challengers to finish the game, but to give them a complicated message through the game. And without a proper guide, it's very difficult to have the message transferred completely.

However, I didn't tell him about this, because I think it is very difficult to express it in a non-violent way.

Fortunately, there's a second, readily understandable and important reason which made me unable to grant Mushra the R&C, so I didn't need to lie at all.

I declined Timmy's (or Mushra's) request by telling him that as Mushra's home is not a neutral zone at all, nor Mushra is a neutral furre, I cannot have the Ring and the Challenge, which is not undividable, implanted in his place, because the Ring and the Challenge is a neutral zone, and is open to every one.

Then I told Timmy that may be he could get a job as an official guide in the R&C complex, because he was neutral. And after some chatting, I decided to be his teacher (he was really a smart kid), and told him about his decision. He accepted his student ship and went on to tell me about things he had learnt about his new dad, while I guided him around my living place.

As Timmy was served a breakfast in my garden, I caught my chance to gave him his first lesson, which was to give him a sort of concept about the abundance of illusions in Kasuria and the lost technology thingy.

The lesson started by Timmy asking the method by which the two of us get to the garden from the corridor of my house.

I explained to him that it was the work of a lift, which appeared as a rose on my garden. I then illustrated how this illusory feat was possible by introducing him the concept of an image formed from nanomachines, by telling him that Rainbow, which he saw this morning, was composed of trillions of nanomachines, and that Rainbow, when hibernating, collapsed into a bracelet. And it was with the same technology that had concealed the big lift from as and made us see that there was only a rose at where the lift should be.

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