Diary of Windera Z. Aquaz (page 57)

Month 3

Actually, it was NOT the same technology, to be accurate. The Rose-Lift was 100% illusive while Rainbow, or his normal look as a Lapine, is not totally illusive. When we see Rainbow as a Lapine, what form him is really in a shape similar to a real one. For the illusory rose, what creates the image was a cylindrical formation around the lift�

I also discovered, while I was trying to find Rainbow to demonstrate, that he was NOT around. He was not in my home, nor in R&C. But as it was not any urgent thing, I decided that I would not summon him.

After breakfast, I gave Timmy the standard tour around my place. I dismissed him at the basement of the altar. I decided that I was in no mood for study and went wandering in Imaginarium

So finally I had admitted a student� Will I be able to teach him things that would make his life a better one?

I walked around in Perish's house. It was a magnificent and beautiful room with the standard style of Kasuria.

On the way back home, I brought Herowin whom was obviously bored to the point that he was yelling nonsense at any passerbys to the Challenge.

As I was guiding Herowin, Tigre came into the game as well. Luckily, Chloe (May), yesterday's successful challengers came in and help me with the guiding work. Soon, I learnt that Chloe was interested in becoming an official guide of the Rainbow Challenge, and that she had already expressed her wish to Rainbow, which Rainbow had, obviously, chosen not to tell me about.

Soon, Aqua came in as well, and both of us concentrated on the guiding work. I was happy that Chloe seemed to have learnt a lot about how to be a guide from Rainbow. I decided that I had to call back Rainbow, because I was very hungry. When Rainbow came, I decided to sweep the altar (the first time in the 3 months) after my lunch and happily retrieved into my little world. Skynya joined the challenge just before Rainbow arrived at his supposed post.

Chloe was a very polite furre, and a fast learning one. She learnt about all the alternative paths from Rainbow and became an official guide, while she guided Russana. Rainbow later told that he nearly forgotten to teach her how to use the pink egg...

Then Rainbow gave Chloe a tour round my house. Interestingly, when they were visiting Laputa, I was in the altar, and when they entered the altar, I just finished my sweeping (with wind, obviously) and went back to the altar with my personal shortcut, and therefore I didn't know they were in at all...

I closed myself up in the study with some more on artificial neural networks and then meditated in a corner at the end of the underwater meditation hall till dinner. And then I remembered to ask Rainbow about where he had been in the morning.

He told me that he had a look at the 3 faery school in Allgeria Island, which he had enrolled as a 'starrie' there. He reported to me that he had also went to the school in the late afternoon, claiming the post of the teacher of Rainbow (and he will the gave leactures on Illusions) there and then brought Roxene, the furre-in-charge of the school to the Rainbow Challenge as well. Rainbow had also invited Roxene to Laputa to have tea (and at that time I was in the underwater meditation hall...).

Roxene was reported to love sweet stuffs and he had boiled such a sugary soup for tea that Rainbow had to ask me to clean it for him afterwards. The Rainbow had led her around the place, and they ended up in the Library in the Ring, with Roxene reading my dairy, and Rainbow being summoned back to me for dinner.

Rainbow told me excitedly that Chloe, whom he met in the 3 faery school, was actually one of the teachers there! She was the head of Dark, and that another furre called Zoideu is the master of Star. Rainbow as conveyed his delight to me that he will be able to teach Illusion.

So, finally, Rainbow is going to teach other furres in Furcadia? I stared at my airbot, and wondered what double roles is Rainbow having� teacher of illusion...

(Day 21 of the Third Month, page 2)

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