Diary of Windera Z. Aquaz (page 58)

Day 82 - Insipidity

(Day 22 of Month 3

Dear Diary,

Today was insipid compared to yesterday. I went to the city library and read about the history of Furcadia, again. I knew I had read it mindlessly somehow before, but so mindless that I didn't think I managed to remember anything about it.

Rainbow got SHADOW MAYMORE as today's only successful challenger. There were a few more, but all gave up, or had to leave in the middle. SHADOW was a new furre around Kasuria. Rainbow had therefore taught him the basics of how to get around the places. Unluckily, he arrived too early in the morning and Rainbow was not able to show him those places he thought was wonderful. He expressed his disappointment to me during dinner.

Sophie Deluxe made a visit to the Ring late at night. Rainbow announced her wish to visit my house, and so I led her around the place before I went to bed.

Day 83 -- the Link

(Day 23 of Month 3)

Dear Diary,

I was really grateful that I have got Rainbow doing so much for me, guiding every challenger every day, irrespective that only a fraction of them will succeed. If I had never had him, I would be torn between my devotion to the study of the lost technology and my responsibility.

And, it had grown to a pleasure for me to listen to Rainbow's story every evening. Rainbow's language ability is improving everyday. Sometimes I wonder Rainbow might speak like a real furre one day.

Rainbow, in the morning, got Fox Mccloud2000 as a successful challenger. Before Fox went through the game, he said that a friend of him would like a "holy" furre to hold the wedding ceremony. And that friend, whom Rainbow found out later, was Majorth, one of the successful challenges of RC.

Rainbow nominated me as the one he need, and proposed the wedding to be held in the altar of the Wind and Water.

Later, direct conversation with Majorth through Rainbow made it clear that he only wanted a "holy" furre, aka my presence, in the wedding, and after inspecting the Rainbow Ring, he decided that it would do as the meeting place for the attending crowd.

And in the late morning, xX~Arianna~Xx came to the challenge and became the second successful challenger of the day. Afterwards, Rainbow led her around the Ring. In the library, Rainbow told Arriana about his post in the 3 faery school, and found that Arianna was a student (a Darkie) there.

Rainbow wasted no time in delivering his first lesson on Rainbow. (editor 262501: interested parties might take a look at the lecture notes here.)

I asked Rainbow what he actually taught, and had a mixed feeling upon hearing his answer: he began the course of Illusion with my version of the 5-element theory. He explained to Arianna and me that he thought that one had to know what is there really before one can distinguish an illusion. In this first lesson, he covered what the 5-elements are, and their interdependent relationships.

Rainbow happily reported that Arianna had been a very attentive student, despite that she was tired after the game. He told me excitedly that he would like to teach about the interaction between the elements in the next lesson.

So, Rainbow was, as it was said in the manual, built to maximize his service to furres?

Yugi the Duelist came in and succeeded soon after Arianna has gone.

At lunch, I got Vivian Valentine, the last successful challenger of the day as the only visitor to Laputa.

Rainbow went back to the library, where he had decided to be the future classroom, and made the lecture notes. Then, he came back to Laputa, and I stretched my body after my study session with the newly taught fighting style SL. Rainbow briefed me that it was one of the main stream fighting skills in his era. Although this style was meant for large bulky furres, he thought I would also need to know it.

During the dinner, Rainbow told me that he had an idea to extend the Ring so to facilitate his teaching.

Upon realizing that the Ring and the Challenge were practically owned by Rainbow, I agreed with him and stated that as long as the Ring will look the same, i.e. any extension should not affect the Ring, and its view at all.

I went to bed early. That SL style was tiring for me...

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