Diary of Windera Z. Aquaz (page 61)

Day 86 -- Township of Kawatoshi

(Day 26 of Month 3)

Dear Diary,

After I finished with the basics of basic SL moves, and the second part of Tai Chi, I told Rainbow to take care of my living place, and to manage the R & C properly, and bid Laputa farewell. I packed the books I would like to read on my way, discovered that there were too many, and decided to build a mobile study to place them.

If I could manipulate the tension of the supportive sheet at the edge, I could do so for the whole sheet, and to keep safety on my side, I made the mobile study as small as I would need (well, finally I added 3 bookshelves of books�K), and used the sheet to form an invisible wall rather then using bricks to keep the whole thing mobile and floating even under bad conditions.

I have decided to be a wanderer. I wanted to feel the Wind.

I wandered into the nicely built town of Kawatoshi. Although I met a mean furre at the crowded restaurant punching others without reasons, and got involved in 3 furres�� dispute, and was insulted when I tried to stop the furres using violence, I decided to stay in this Edo-styled city, in which lost technology is not welcomed, as a Rurouni and Ishya (editor 262501: wandering Samurai aka Japanese warrior and Doctor).

I walked around the whole town, familiarize myself with the various places for the rest of the day, with the map of Kawatoshi, which I got from the Head of the town, in my paw. There were the town people��s houses, the government complex, the Sakura Theatre, a public bathroom, the governor��s houses, a little public garden, various shops that sell Kimono, weapons and a tea house, adding to the list I have written down previously.

At night, I settled down near the pier, on the first floor of the Japanese trade company, which provided free lodging. The town was quite deserted at non-peak hours�K I sit upon my blankets on the tatami, looking at the 2 empty and cold bunks beside me while I concluded my diary for the day.

Day 87 �V Second day at Kawatoshi

Dear Diary,

After I ate breakfast, cooking myself some Ramen in the Ramen shop, I walked around the deserted streets. Finally, I decided that I would leave the peaceful town for a while, make some new friends in Imaginarium, and invited them to Kawatoshi.

Deferus (Tsuushin), was the furre I found. I led him around the town, sightseeing, and then had lunch and bathed with him. I was quite surprised that he knew quite a lot about the culture of the town, like tatami, dojo, ramen etc. And then it was then I realized that the tatami in Kawatoshi is usually brown in color! Well, dear Diary, they are usually green in color.

I told Tsuushin about the unhappy incident that happened yesterday when I showed him the place, the government complex, where it happened. There was two furres there trying to use katana (Japanese long kneives) to hurt each other because of a quarrel caused by the conduct of a non-present female furre. I tried to stop them, but was stopped by the female furre, who was originally watching the fight without any attempt to stop it, although the fighting furres were acquaintances with her.

I didn't want to use lost technology there, because I had learnt from the governor that the general public in Kawatoshi was hostile towards "magic" users, and that I had not used any lost technology since I arrived at Kawatoshi.

But I had reflexively used the power of the wind to scan through the town to search for furres that were not sleeping at the point of arrival. It proved to be a big error. That moved made me aware of the 3, and worse, I had remembered their names of the 3.

Forgetting this fact, I addressed the female furre there, Amanda, by her name the first time I met her, to inquire about the argument between the two male furres. Amanda, as if stroke by lightning, immediately got very angry with me that I was able to know her name without telling me about it, and scolded me heavily and cursed me that I had searched her mind, which I didn't.

I was not given time and the chance to explain that every furre, when they moved in and out of a place in the universe of Furcadia, will leave a trace in the central message system, and afterwards, when I reflect upon the incident, I understood that even if I told her about this, she would not believe that there is such an advanced system at all.

I had been too cooked up in the special atmosphere of Kawatoshi, and had lost my usual careful self. Or had I developed a strong dependence on the lost technology?

Amanda immediately demanded me to leave, but I declared upon my responsibility as an Ishiya and a Rurouni, and therefore would not leave until useless violence was stopped, or that damaged furres were taken care of (one of the furres had a rib broken already). Amanda definitely was still very angry about me and so I left (the garden of the government complex).

I left because I didn't have any weapon which I carried with myself, I stole one katana from the weapon shop nearby. I came back, and was welcomed by more innuendo from Amanda.

I sat formally near the two fighting furres in a posture which would enable me to dash out at critical time when needed. Amanda, who I later found was a thief, obviously ungrateful about what I was doing, tried to steal my katana.

Unfortunately, she was not able to observe the fact that I was left-pawed and snatched what she thought was the katana, which was in fact my left leg (which I later found that she had not made a mistake because she was actually trying to step on my left leg but she missed it) first, and then my katana, which I was holding tightly on, because I was alert and preparing to knock down any furres that was going to do something lethal.

Amanda went into an enormous breakdown when she, who had obviously never consider the possibility of failing in an attempt of thieve, discovered that I still had the katana with me. She insulted me by calling me a "twink".

At that point I realized that any attempt to save a life before Amanda would be stopped by her, because of her intense hatred towards me. So I tried to hide in one of the buckles behind the garden wall, and tried to wait there until Amanda calmed down. But Amanda discovered about the fact that I was hiding near them and showed me the fact that she would NOT calm down until I left.

So I left, opened the entrance to my mobile study, and tried to pack up a first aid kid as well as trying to find a name which I would use in Kawatoshi.

I had my dinner in my mobile study, and when I wanted to go back to Kawatoshi, I found that the entrance was closed, and felt very disappointed.

To overcome the disappointment, I had Dead Flame to accompany me in the lonely study for a while, and then got GigaRose and her friend wyotty as the accompaniment. I told GigaRose about how I managed to let furres without wings to walk on clouds, about my decision to wander around. To her surprise, she found that the "annoying" Rainbow was my airbot. After a while, I was then invited to her home.

GigaRose's home was best described by a fantasy like garden. I appeared as a tiny cat, and Canine appeared as big handsome dogs there. Rodents appeared as small mice, Mustelines as Oreo, a kind of black biscuits with white feelings, and Lapines as very very cute rabbits with long fluffy ears.

After some wonderful sightseeing, and chasing around GigaRose, which had transformed into a small mouse in her private garden, I ended up sleeping with a bunch animals belonging to different species, all cuddling onto each other and drifted off in a warm fluff...

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