Diary of Windera Z. Aquaz (page 63)

Day 89 -- The Will

(Day 29 of Month 3)

Dear Diary,

I discovered the entrance to Kawatoshi in the morning. I jumped in, had breakfast in the main restaurant, where I met the town's governor Etsuko, and then guide a visitor around. I wandered in Nagareboshi Dojo which is still under construction in the afternoon, and went back to my mobile study again.

I decided that I need some more training on Statistics so that I can understand more about the implementation of artificial neural networks. Sometime in between, I used the central messenger system to chat with Dimsey Lightfoot.

After dinner, I led Sarysa, a new furre who has just arrived in Furcadia around, invited her to my study and taught her about the basic knowledge required. Dimsey dropped in to read my diary as I told Sarysa about the general population distribution in Furcadia.

Dimsey changed into an orange-and-black dragon when he was reading a diary. And I suddenly could not help to wonder why furres could change their biological forms so easily, and the picture at GigaRose, where I once changed to a small kitty, then, by will, to a cute rabbit, jumped up in my mind. I could not find any nano-machine which could induce this change, never.

The energy expenditure in such transformation is so great that it will be quite impossible without the help of nano-machines. The transformation is not an illusion, or that nothing supports this hypothesis.

There is something wrong, I realized, in my general understanding of this world. I reflected on the numerous transformation I willed/was imposed on, and suddenly realized, upon remembering the several traverse to the other World I have got, that the lost technology era is an era that not only is separated from the present by a barrier of time, but a barrier of dimension: the lost technology is a reflection of the other World in Furcadia.

The will is what initiated the transformation. The will is a very significant energy source in Furcadia, as opposite to the situation in the other World.

Before I went to bed, Rainbow sent a message to me saying that Chanteki and Frevfare were the successful challengers today. And the message seems like a lullaby to me�

Day 90 - The Wind

(Day 30 of Month 3)

Dear Diary,

In the morning, I went to the Kitsune Clan's territory when I did my morning walk. I studied the SL style moves in the fabulous dojos there by reading a book on the subject which Rainbow wrote for me to have it packed into the mobile study before I left Laputa.

I don't know how should I thank Rainbow, but I would like to know more about the power of Will here, so I restrained myself from going all the way back to Laputa, to find Rainbow and gave him a dear hug.

At lunch, I volunteered to work at the restaurant in Kawatoshi (oh yes, dear Diary, I seemed to have forgotten to tell you that I have developed an Edo-styled name to be use in Kawatoshi - Suisei Fuushinshi, which literally means the same thing as "Windera Z. Aquaz"), so that I could have my lunch there.

I met Kitsune, a cute little Kitsune (fox spirit) and her adopted father after lunch, then Hyuga Sourhyu and Cheru, with the latter showing the former that the will is the thing one needs to be able to transform.

Before I left Kawatoshi, I discovered that a furre called Kamiyu, (ok, I couldn't resist myself from looking at the entrance record of Furcadia) sitting at a private pier, unmoving, unresponsive for several hours, but could not find any sign of sickness in her.

I walked back mindlessly to my mobile study, deciding that I would like to know more about the power of Will in Furcadia, before I go on with the 'tragedic delimma'. And no, dear Diary, I have not given up the study of lost technology. I studied more about the basics of statistics at night. May be mathematics and the related are the only thing that is true across the Worlds?

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