Diary of Windera Z. Aquaz (page 70)

Day 111 -- Rainbow the Gager?!!

(Day 21 of Month 4)

Dear Diary,

Musrha Claymore, Zephyr Breeze, ICrimsonI, and a few others came to stay in my mobile garden on the afternoon.

I had Poiuy Weird the Tender of Dreams, Dimsey and Rainbow using the warm water bath in the Ring at night.

Rainbow told me that he had recently discovered a new way of serving furres ?by telling jokes. He told me that his recent attempt is to insert a gag every 3 sentences he spoke. I politely asked him to spare me from his creative by distracting gags.

Today�s successful challengers are Liavelt, Adriana SoLuna, Tiggy, Nitalia and Black Luna Storm.

Ah. I spent my whole day writing an essay on consciousness and connectionism.

Day 112 ?The Starting Wind (again)

Dear Diary,

This morning, I got Holy Bunny, the Spirit of Light who doesn�t want to find out the truth why he wasn�t thanked although it was light that supports life all over the place. We chatted with each other while I was writing on that essay. Consciousness has been a mystery of the Worlds and I really do not know my own motivation for writing such an essay.

After lunch, I met Cinder***** who had been around for 6 years but had stayed as a hermit for years and just retreat from his hermit life.

In the afternoon, I joined Dimsey in a Vampire bar. It was a spooky place, with a foyer decorated with a sakura tree in full bloosom. We talked about serious business in the sauna room in the pool area of the bar. It was the most beautiful place (which was not really THAT beautiful) in the whole bar. I disliked the unfoldable large wings given to me by the bar very much, because it prevented me from lying down in the water (which I love most) for the whole afternoon. However, that pair of white wings looked holy on me in that dark place.

We side-talked to Mushra and agreed upon the fact that he was much milder then he was. I could still remember the first time Rainbow and I met him, who was a furre demanding sex frequently from strangers and killing for fun. Dimsey recalled that he had came to his bar demanding sex from the group of customers he had there.

Was it the gentle air of Furcadia that had changed him? I hope so.

While the two of us brainstorm for business ideas, I suddenly wished that I might be like Rainbow, serving others directly. And reflecting on my strengths, I decided that I would be the best Consultant in Furcadia. 

I returned to my mobile garden for and worked a bit more before sleeping in the embrace of my pet, Sunny the Golden Dragon, and Sui, the Spirit of Water, which is the token of my power upon the Wind and Water.

I thought of my mobile study which I had used so often when I was wandering around, and decided that it would make a good office for my consulting work after some rearrangement.

Holy Bunny managed to pass the Rainbow Challenge.

Day 113 ?The Blackness at the middle of a Tornado

Dear Diary,

I decided to get myself the usual walk after breakfast. And I discovered a very interesting place: the B.E.E.K.I.N Zoo in Allgeria Island.

It was really a funny place ?the idea of a Beekin zoo is very funny already. The only put-off was that there was an excess of exotic materials which weren�t necessary. I tried to finish my essay on consciousness there, sitting on a small piece of floating cloud in the central water zone but failed.

I tried to cheer myself up by getting Dimsey into the zoo to find me. But he had a hard time in getting used to the exotic materials before he could move around and perceive things correctly. We sat in the water zone for a while, and near lunch, when I pulled my eyes away from my own essay, I saw Aqua Rabbit standing outside the bar looking at the two of us.

Rainbow told me that a furre called artic ocean came into the Ring in late afternoon seeking for a job. But she didn�t seem to be a reliable one?

I continued with my essay without lunch. And at early evening, I finished off, declaring to myself that this is the current end of my essay, that I cannot do anything more on the topic of consciousness, I fell into sleep without any food on the nearest bed I came across.

It really doesn�t matter where I sleep. In Furcadia, you exist when you are conscious. If you really fall asleep, you will disappear, so it doesn�t matter where you sleep?

Manami Tara has been the only successful challenger today.

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