Diary of Windera Z. Aquaz

The Fourth Month

Last updated on 21st April, 2003

Synopsis by 262501, the editor. (This page is under construction)

Day 1 of Month 4 (Day 91)
Windera had a trip to several places today. History seldom is a happy thing to learn...
Day 2 of Month 4 (Day 92)
As Windera did more to the Challenge of Wind and Water, she came to realize the unpleasant side of the Wind and Water.
Day 3-4 of Month 4 (Day 93-94)
Windera discovered an amazingly beautiful place in Furcadia. She reflected on her motives on becoming a wanderer.
Day 5 of Month 4 (aka Day 95)
Windera formulates an interesting experiment.
Day 6 of Month 4 (aka Day 96)
Windera made a very significant conclusion from the interesting experiment.
Day 7-20 of Month 4 (aka Day 97-110) * editor 262501's choice *
A LOT OF THINGS HAD HAPPENED to Windera during this period. Some disastrous, some enlightening, some happy... no way to summarize...THIS ENTRY IS ALREADY A SUMMARY...
Day 21-23 of Month 4 (aka Day 111-113)
Life continued and sprinkled everyone with its original spices that gets you refreshed from time to time...
Day 24 of Month 4 (aka Day 114)
Windera met the creator of Felorin and in the same day got her head chopped off?!
Day 25-27 of Month 4 (aka Day 115-117)
Some interesting episodes happened to Rainbow and Windera and Kawatoshi. Windera applied her skills in controlling the Wind and Water to medical use again. And Rainbow became a qualified Mason!
Day 28-29 of Month 4 (aka Day 118-119) * editor 262501's choice *
It's Dragon Day in Furcadia and every furre was given the power to transform into a Dragon on the day! If you wanna see Windera and Rainbow in their dragon forms, the photos are here :)
And after the Dragon Day, it's a crooky day!
Day 30 of Month 4 (aka Day 120)
After a crooky day, Windera is simply tired, but things just continue to happen...

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