Diary of Windera Z. Aquaz (page 66)

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Day 93 -- The Edge of Infinity

(Day 3 of Month 4)

Dear Diary,

Rainbow seemed to have had a busy day yesterday: he got blacke, Genisiss, Mallen, Kimberly Kil and Tristan Soruyu as successful challengers. Interestingly, he expressed a statement of disappointment at the fact that he was just wandering around, trying to find me while I returned to the Ring to test out the Challenge of the Wind and Water. What a miss.

I wandered in Kawatoshi for the whole day, studying and meditation. I met Etsuko and Draconise in the silent town. The two seemed to be having a date and therefore I excuse myself and left with a little embarrassment after some time.

Near night, Rainbow discovers the Edge of Infinity at the edge of Allgeria Island, which has got very amazingly beautiful views, and soon curiouskitten, FoxMccloud2000, Majorth, Malondia and finally me, joined the crowd.

It was a sort of Island floating in the outer-space. I have never seen the outerspace except in the books of lost technology era. There, I see the planets which were supposed to be revolving around the sun of Kasuria. It was an amazing view and we gasped it, and the shimmering galaxy in awe.

I took my first picture there, with the crowd and with Rainbow. Finally, we all spend the night sleeping in the place.
The crowd, with Rainbow transformed into a Phoenix. The black dragon is Majorth. The feline sitting below Rainbow is me. The other feline wearing violet jacket is curiouskitten. Fox is the one sitting near the camera with light blue jacket.

Rainbow and me at the Edge of Infinity

Day 94 �V My bot

(Day 4 of Month 4)

Dear Diary,

I had had two similar dreams last night. Both were about people around Onsen (bathing place which uses natural warm fountain as water source). One was gloomier, and lonelier, under comparison, while the other is hilarious and crowded. However, I could not remember the details.

I got a bot, the normal sort of bot in Furcadia today. It will be useful in controlling the Challenge of Wind and Water. It��s a Feline that looked like me, but was almost, from hair to toe, sea-blue in color.

But I did not went through the manual, because I won��t need it before the Challenge was built almost completely, and I had some other things in mind.

I ate lunch in the empty Kawatoshi. It��s a good place for me to think. I have left home for about a week now, and what have I gained? My feeling is that my life has not changed much. The only change there is that is significant is that I no longer go back to Laputa, nor take care of the alter for Wind and Water. But I am still stuck with the books and databases.

I had come out in search of the source of the tragedies. Or is it true about what jh��Scrid has said, that ��I was fragile�� and therefore I had resorted to the power of knowledge?

Very possible. But it is the only way I can take control of my environment. Although will power is important here, I have noticed that every furre is equal, in terms of the power of their will. Only with the ability to predict, I can control.

I went back to my mobile study, which had its entrance in the Ring, and think about consciousness with respect to the Ring. I had thought that consciousness was another ��Ring�� stuck to the ��Ring�� of reality, but somehow I nowt think that I had missed something because I now think that consciousness is more than that �V if it is not just a matter of view point that there is 2 distinguishable Rings, then what mechanism is there to make consciousness possible, and distinguish it from the ability to react to specific information? Or is it a special case of it?

After Draconise became another successful challenger, I went to the Zanon castle finding two furres and curiouskitten talking philosophy stuffs. Then one of the furres, Conell Darkmoon came to the Ring and my mobile study.

Conell finally became the 200th successful challengers of Rainbow Challenge. Congratulations, Conell! And good job there, Rainbow!

After dinner, I visited Dimsey��s new town for hiding(?!). I explained to him that he had to hide actively if he really meant to, instead of just making the town a big and boring one. Dimsey seemed to have a lot of troubles with some furres and had finally resorted to hiding himself and his friends up...

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