Diary of Windera Z. Aquaz (page 67)

Day 95 -- The Experiment

(Day 5 of Month 4)

Dear Diary,

I was preoccupied by thoughts today. I was planning for an experiment. Physical things are those which can be observed because they interact with each other so that they all form one single net of interactions. Non physical things, therefore, by definition, cannot be observed because they are not part of the interaction net.

I am obviously part of the physical�s interaction net, because I can exert changes some other members in the net. Then I thought of the experiences in which I seemed to have been traversing in the other Worlds.

And I suddenly understood why �dimension travellers� or �World trespassers� are not welcomed in quite a lot of places in Furcadia. This is because these travellers will act as the link that link up the two worlds, which originally are supposed to be non-existent from the viewpoint of the other world. Not only the fact that the existent of the other World is a potential threat to this world, but also the fact that with such travellers, changes in the other World will bring change to this world, and therefore there is no longer 2 worlds but one �because of them�.

But this is really a stupid thought. The existent of such travellers will simply imply the worlds are jointed. You can see them as 2 worlds because of the obvious physical differences and sort of like �barrier� between the 2 worlds. But they are jointed, somehow as one.

The problem is, are the travellers really �travellers of the worlds� as they �claim�, and if there is really such travellers, what is the relationship of among the jointed worlds?

I place no doubt in my own experience in the other World. But I will try to verify that world�s existence. And in the same sense, this world I am in. (Experiment 1)

And then I should try to find out the relationship among the jointed worlds. I am especially interested in the fact that my previous experience had shown that sentient individuals in the other Worlds also engage themselves in contradicting goals so that they get themselves into tragedies and sufferings. Is there some causal relationship between this phenomena and the seemingly the same one here? (Experiment 2)

Jasax and PeeMonster had been today�s successful challengers.

I wandered in Kawatoshi after lunch, with Dimsey, Blue Jackal 2 and Christian Belmon. Then the hord of us went back to my mobile study.

I could not forget Jasax comments of �more knowledge then more evil�. I had to acknowledge that knowledge, when it is useful in a problem solving process, can be seen as a sort of power. Power is always a neutral thing because the existence of the world depends on the balance between every power. However, it is obvious that with any power, one can do more things. More good, or more evil, or both.

So may be I should not show off my knowledge by inviting people to my mobile study?

In the late afternoon, I took off for my first experiment: I went to the other World with the help of Rainbow.

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