Diary of Windera Z. Aquaz (page 65)

Day 92 -- the Unpleasant Side of Wind and Water

(Day 2 of Month 4)

Dear Diary,

Rainbow sent messages to me this morning, telling me about something he discovered about Furcadua history and the Wind and Water system of Furcadia. He told me that after Lacider, one of yesterday��s successful challengers, they had a chat at the balcony of the Ring. Lacider has been in Furcadia a long time ago, and then went into hibernation for a long time, and had just not woke up and found everything change.

So Rainbow had met with a moving history book�K Rainbow told me about something very interesting about the Metal system of Furcadia in the past: furres could, by will, leave ��shell��s around, aka physical objects that look identically with themselves, which could not move.

In the past, according to Lacider, no furres can produce a portal to one��s dream in one��s own dream. (Aka having a dream in a dream.) However, it is possible now, and Rainbow and I often exploit this right.

In addition to that, summoning another furre had been impossible. The most important thing that I learnt from Rainbow��s encounter with Lacider, was the concept of ��frame��. I consider it to be one of the important characteristic of the Wind and Water system of Furcadia.

Lacider told Rainbow that in the past, the smallest movement (with velocity not equal zero, aka excluding movements like spinning on the same spot, or change of posture (lying/sitting/standing)) a furre could produce was putting a paw forward/retrieving a paw. Currently, the smallest corresponding movement was to move a step forward. This means that one movement now contains three ��frames�� in a sequence, and each frame is the smallest detectable unit of the Wind and Water system.

And then I suddenly got an inspiration for the Challenge of the Wind and Water. I summoned it up, and did some correction, and finished, finally, the 0.3 version of it.

I marched into the Rainbow Ring and launched it at where it would be. Testing the 0.3 version of Challenge of the Wind and Water was what I intended to do. I was quite confident about my system that it won��t have major bugs.

I called jh��Scrud to help me with the testing, because what I really wanted to test was the performance of the Wind and Water system when there was two players in the complicated system.

jh��Scrud was in an emotional upheaval, or at least, not a very good mood. To add to that, the Challenge of the Wind and Water is not intended to be totally pleasant.

I had built this game because I hope to enhance furres�� knowledge on the Wind and Water through their process of playing the game. Especially about the unpleasant side of Wind and Water.

I had to admit that it is a gloomy game and players are prone to elicit negative emotions during the game.

Jh��Scrud complained heavily about the boring endless cliff, and the ��undocumented�� cloud jumping, which he was ��dead�� after one move.

I am truly sorry to have made him test such an unpleasant game (and he was too quick to go before I had time to tell him what he should do in order to enable me to test what I wanted to test �V however, his effort has led to the discovery of a small bug), but the 'number one' message I wanted furres to get in this easy-to-die-and-hard-to-survive game is that knowledge is cumulative and if one gives up in the middle, the effort and pain one had already paid for the knowledge would be totally a waste.

To illustrate my point that highly intelligent furres can survive only because we have already, at born, carried in our genes, a lot of knowledge, or one may call them assumptions of the world in which we will be living in, I ask him to poke his own eye with a force just sufficient to move his eyeball significantly while keeping his body and head stable, and then he is supposed to see the world moving �V his brain assumed that the eyeballs would not move unless it commands it to move, and therefore, even if he was conscious that the world is NOT moving, his visual system still wrongly concluded that it was the world, not the eyeball, that was moving and continuous poking might induce nausea (I didn��t tell him that), unlike when he turned his eyes on something else, he would not, in any case, feel that the world is moving. That is because that assumption was ��hard-wired�� and inborn, but it is very useful because it would prevent us to get confused when we turn our eyes, which so frequently happens.

I, upon reflection, understand that I had did something inappropriately �V in fact, quite rude: biological wiring might differ from species to species, and even within a species, exceptions do appear.

This is because jh��Scrud immediately complained about something like he was ��differently�� wired, and that his type was always hunted by the ��normal�� because of fear and lack of understanding.

And the morning ended unpleasantly for the both of us, with jh��Scrud depart.

I skipped lunch today because Alima and Cleine came in just after Scrud left and I grasped at the chance of testing almost feverishly. With the help of the two, especially Cleine, I was able to test the waiting room system (which functioned properly).

I slept early in the evening, after eating some fruits. I haven��t met Rainbow... may be he was wandering around...

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