Diary of Windera Z. Aquaz (page 74)

Day 120 -- Friends and Laputa

(Day 30 of Month 4)

Dear Diary,

I felt as if I was sleeping in a dung lake for the whole night, and had got used to the strong smell, and barfed out all I could so that I felt limpy and could not smell any happiness in the morning.

I thought I couldn�t feel worse. But anyway, I dragged my remaining attention together and thought more about the consultant thingy in the mobile garden. I frowned over all the difficulties and was nearly drowned by my own thoughts.

While I nearly got drowned, Cher cuddlebear and her pink-haired baby paid a visit and asked to visit my old home. Laputa was a soothing place. Too soothing indeed, that my mind suddenly went blank and placid as I stepped into it. Cher constantly praised the little ecosystem and Laputa and asked me to make another for her. However, I knew I would be too busy for that and declined her request. Later in the day, Dimsey showed himself too. And I suddenly noticed that I was feeling much better now. Was it Laputa or friends? Laputa was full of the energy from the Wind and Water and it is natural that I can get power from it. But I thought it was the same for the mobile garden. My mobile garden was full of, in particular, the power of Wind.

Rainbow told me that in the afternoon, he met a furre called �Lavos� in the City of Elysum this afternoon. He remembered having heard the name from me that it was the name blamed when a furre told the victims he had tried to kill that he was possessed (editor 262501: please refer to Windera�s first fight). The furre called �Lavos denied having possessed the furre who fought with Windera.

He also mentioned �Tunnel to Unknown�, and the broken bot which was made to tend the bar, and suggested me to take a look at that wrecked bot tomorrow. He laughed at that poor bot who was not allowed to leave the bar and therefore was tending there with the utmost bad temper.

Before I selpt, Rainbow came back telling me that he had been with Talzmeir, Ghost Tiger and Honcho with a few others in Talz� house, and was in Honcho�s garden to pick apples and find gold nuggets.

Ruhinat, Silkky the Shocker, PersianKitty, Jaff were today�s successful challengers.

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