Diary of Windera Z. Aquaz (page 73)

Day 118 -- Dragon Day

(Day 28 of Month 4)

Left: Me, Rainbow, Mushra, Musrha's friend. Right: Me, and Mushra (the phoenix) chatting about illusions in Furcadia, with Rainbow sleeping on the rainbow.

Dear Diary,

Today�s the Dragon Day! National Day of Furcadia! Every furres could turn into a dragon. The first thing I woke up is to go to Sefiroth in the form of a dragon and explored the place with Rainbow, who also turned into a dragon form most willingly. We met Mushra and Ridere there, and discussed the optics in Furcadia. The discussion started because Rainbow, sleeping on a rainbow in Sefiroth suddenly disappeared when obviously he should be in my visible area. I was told that the dimension of height in Furcadia is a local property, and the apparent fact that it is a global property is an illusion. And my inability to see Rainbow is just a breakdown of the illusion.

However, there was the Earth problem of discontinuation so that I could not go into Imaginarium at all, so we decided that this is one of those holidays and went around in the snowy in Meovanni and Allegeria Island. Rainbow charged himself up at the long table at the city center building of AI while I walked around the snowy dreams. But it was not long before some challengers spotted Rainbow, in the form of a dragon, and requested portal the Ring and Challenge complex to be set up.

MouserZ, Sango Fighter1, Lord Naraku were the successful challengers today.

Day 119 � Causality

(Day 29 of Month 4)

Dear Diary,

I loomed in Kawatoshi, now a very snowy and cold place, for the whole day, and chatted with Etsuko and her body guards in Etsuko�s house. I was thinking about the Consultancy Firm all the time and frowned over all the technical difficulties I might meet with such a profession.

Meanwhile, Rainbow did his job perfectly at the Ring.

There was a furre called Stein Caves, who tried to kill every furre (including Rainbow) that visited Rainbow Ring with atrocious means, got killed when trying to kill Potenza, one of the visitors.

It was luck that Rainbow had been unable to fight and could not be hurt nor easily damaged so that any one who tried to start a fight with Rainbow will certainly fail to do so, as with Stein Caves, and that I had borrowed some of my ability to Rainbow so that he might blow any trouble makers off the Ring with a torpedo as well as doing most kinds of first aid, before much harm can be done to the Ring and the visitors.

Stein was blown out from the Ring when Rainbow spotted him hitting a furre for no obvious reason for the first time and refused to stop when requested, but just as Rainbow reported what happened to me, he managed to find his way back and started on attacking Potenza, who just finished the Rainbow Challenge. Just as Rainbow tried to talk him out of his �entertainment� (that�s what Stein called his attacks), Potenza ran berserk upon Stein�s attack of flying knives, and returned the attack after doubling the number of knives, and pinned down Stein. Mushra came in at that time to the Ring, and to his horror and disgust, found Stein�s body in the Ring. Rainbow found that it is unwise to blow a dead body off simply, and reported the incident to me. Just as I came back to the Ring all the way down Imaginarium from Kawatoshi, Rainbow told me that Stein�s body had mysteriously disappeared.

And that reminded me of the fact that when furres sleep, their bodies disappear from the realm of Furcadia.

Potenza turned out to be the sole-survivor in a race-wash (genocide) by dark war lord, and she told Rainbow about a red big slash on her back she got from dark war lord�s attack in that incident. Rainbow sent an instant message to me, alarmed because dark war lord was indeed a famous dark war lord who had started and won wars with many kingdoms. Anything and anyone who had contacted with dark war lord could have been his reserve dummy, waiting for the chance to be invoked. And Potenza obviously didn�t know this possibility. Rainbow informed me in that message that the red big slash seemed to be of abnormal material and had to be removed. Meanwhile, Potenza asserted that the only thing she was living for was to seek dark war lord for revenge.

This was impossible for then. Potenza was much too weak, physically and mentally, as well as ability and power-wise, when compared to dark war lord. I gasped at the possible tragedy end of dark war lord killing, or even worse, took control of such a weakling when she approached him.

Therefore I showed up as a doctor, and with Rainbow�s help, started the operation to remove her �big red slash� in the rest area of the Ring. Potenza refused to use anesthetics and used her special training to ford off the pain. The first look at the red thing confirmed my guess. This is not a simple wound. The red stuff could have been a control device that will make the one implanted as a dummy of dark war lord when the time comes. The red twinkling slash felt like some jelly made a little too hard and seemed to glow just outside the visible spectrum, because my eyes hurt when I tried to stare at it.

I carefully ran a thorough search with Rainbow over Potenza�s implant, as I produced an ice cutter in my paw. To my relieve, the information flow between the red sluggish thing was so low that no doubt it was not yet a dummy controller. However, as a precaution, I freeze all the nano-tech stuffs I could find inside Potenza�s body, in case the removal of the red slash might trigger something pernicious.

As I carefully removed the red stuff while keeping the freeze on as well as controlling the intricate blood flow around the wound I created, I sighed and silently thought that no normal doctor could have removed this red stuff, which was rich in capillaries inside and outside and would inevitably cause an unstoppable hemorrhage if cut.

After I completed the removal of the red slash, Rainbow gave me the full report. I was prepared to hear that there were parts inside Potenza that had been connected to the red twinkling matter which I just removed.

And indeed. Rainbow reported that the slash I removed was probably the energy source of a network of implant, obviously acting as neurons already, inside Potenza�s body. A substantial part of the network was found in Potenza�s brain.

Which was bad news, for both of us. I explained the situation to Potenza, and luckily she seemed to have got enough intelligence to understand the situation. She gave me the consent to remove those artificial neurons while fully understanding that although removing them would not be fatal, she might lose some memories or feelings, or be changed in her way of thinking about things. I warned her particularly on the possibility that she might lose the immense hatred towards dark war lord, because dark war lord had hoped by making her to want to revenge to him at any cost so that all survivors of his genocides would find him automatically and he would be able to finish them off.

But her consent was only the first little obstacle I had to face. I cooperate with Rainbow in checking every neuron I killed had at least 2 other neurons performing the same function(s) as it was. This was easier for those neurons that were in the torso, but it is a very difficult job in the brain. And Rainbow had to select and get the neurons trained up to serve the functions when no such �reserves� were found, with his artificial neurons. Meanwhile, I tried to repair the complicated network of blood capillaries in Potenza�s back.

We worked hard for I don�t know how many hours, until we successfully got all the things that had to be done immediately with the presence of us near Potenza to get done.

Potenza, Stein Caves and starchild furrie were the successful challengers today.

Rainbow and I went to sleep early because we are exhausted. The brain is sooooo complicated.

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