Diary of Windera Z. Aquaz (page 72)

Day 115 -- Vacation (I)

(Day 25 of Month 4)

Dear Diary,

This morning I got up somewhere I forgot and felt lousy. I went back to the Ring, which Rainbow had started his work already, and tried to force myself to some serious work after breakfast. I tried to focus myself on a random topic, which was hypnosis, and started reading, quite mindlessly about it. Finally I forced myself to do a literature review and located some idiosyncrasy in one of the experiments and proposed a new one, and banged myself hard to create a hypothesis which this experiment will test.

I knew my mind is not working properly. But I really tried to make myself productive, in view of Rainbow's hard work. When I went out for my lunch, I suddenly found Rainbow in emergency charging form at the entrance and I suspected that he overworked?I returned him into a bracelet form, and decided to give the two of us some break from the work until we are back to a proper working state.

I had lunch and started wandering (called 'dream-hopping', which I learnt today) around Furcadia, only to find that I could not get into some dreams. I decided that the new 'earth' Furcadia got had resulted in this discontinuity in dimension. I let Rainbow charged up in a secure place when I walked around the dreams.

When I came back for dinner, Rainbow finished off his charging up process and I woke him up and questioned him about why he was in such an embarrassing and dangerous situation. He explained that he had set his priorities wrong. He told me that he felt that as I was forcing myself to work, he should too.

I felt like this is a sort of black joke, you know, dear Diary. So I told him that he needed to reset his priorities and I told him that he is not allowed to return to his manager position until I am sure that he is properly done his resetting.

I forced him to close down the Ring and dream-hop with me. Finally we settled down in the Twilight Manor after guiding a furre around the place, and Rainbow found the secret passage to Glyndon�s office.

Day 116 -- Kawatoshi and �twinks'

(Day 26 of Month 4)

Dear Diary,

I parted with Rainbow today. I told him that may be he should be left alone to think clearly what he should be doing. I wandered and slept everywhere I hopped into. I felt immensely heavy and drowsy.

At night, when Rainbow came back to me while I collapsed in a random dream, Rainbow told me that he met Etsuko in her private house today, saw the new development sit of Kawatoshi, and heard that Kawatoshi was sealed because the governer, Etsuko, felt distressed by the fact that there were too many intruders exploiting the peaceful atmosphere of Kawatoshi and she felt that things had been out of control and sealing off the place was the only thing she could do before she came up with some good ideas so that Kawatoshi�s name won�t be damanged. Rainbow told me, before I drifted off, that Etsuko had promised to remove the sealing because she thought she had come up with some good solutions. I think this piece of news will guarantee me a good sleep.

Ah, you might wonder, not for the first time, why I am able to write my diary when I have drifted off, right? I can make �mind recording?with Rainbow, you see? I use pen and paper usually but that were not the only choice I have.

Day 117 -- Return to Kawatoshi

(Day 27 of Month 4)

Dear Diary,

I woke up early and fresh this morning and took a morning walk in the Imaginarium. And the portal to Kawatoshi was there!!

I woke up Rainbow from his bracelet form and wandered in the town. We met with Etsuko, Mushra and a bunch of others and celebrated the re-opening of Kawatoshi by playing a Hide-and-seek game. Rainbow, unfortunately, was the seeker.

And Rainbow tried to find us without using his special ability. However, he couldn't find any of the group for half an hour and finally gave up and cheated and used his special ability to find me, who was hiding behind a carpet at the back stage of Theatre Sakura.

Then Rainbow left for his Basics and Mason Class, while I meditated in the new residence area in Kawatoshi. I reapplied my citizenship in Kawatoshi and applied for a small but decent house in the new residence area.

Rainbow finished his Beekin training at tea-time. I went back to the main town of Kawatoshi to meet him and found Mushra on my way. He was with his wife. The snow was heavy and I invited them inside an empty house.

For some reasons Mushra went out of the door and didn't came back. I went out and found Mushra lying in the snow, obviously hurt. He said that he was ran over by something, and a scan showed that some of his ribs was severely broken. I quickly began my first aid but his lung was damaged by the broken ribs and he was starting to breathe heavily, and thus his lung was damaged more, and therefore went into a vicious cycle. I quickly summoned Rainbow who carried the pacifier & anesthesia gas with him.

With the help of Rainbow I quickly took control of his situation and he could finally be moved into the house, with the help of a passer by (Mushra�s wife was pregnant), and with Rainbow turned himself into a supporting sheet. Rainbow told me that it was luck that the temperature was low and therefore he could form a hard sheet instead of the soft one he could form otherwise.

The two of us spent the night sleeping in an unoccupied house in Kawatoshi.

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