Diary of Windera Z. Aquaz , Month 5

Day 1 of Month 5 (aka day 121) – Tragedy Source I

Dear Diary,

It was meant to be a holiday for us (i.e. Ring closed), but in the end, I didn’t got any rest, but I do not regret it.

Rainbow had went to a twilight music concert in the Vampire’s Crypt while I was sleeping. I woke up when he came back.

(The red-haired lion is Rainbow)

The snow was gone in the main cities. I went to Tunnel to Unknown for breakfast this morning and served with the unfriendly bar bot at the bar till lunch, while Rainbow sat at the bar, helping out furres with dream making. The bot was really horrendous. It had a very bad serving attitude (as well as bad food quality) and might insult visiting furres. Although some might find such a bot funny, it might offend some others. I couldn’t imagine what the bot would do psychologically to some had sat beside him until visitors stopped coming into the place.

A furre we met there was interested in making good dreams and was interested in seeing mine. So I brought him to the Rainbow Ring, and dropped into my mobile garden. Soon, he collapsed in front of my eye.

I quickly found out that his gun, which he carried with him, had misfired and had hurt him badly. The bullet seemed to have damaged one of his main blood vessels and I had a hard time repairing it for him, while he stayed unconscious. When he woke up finally, he seemed, due to the sudden decrease in blood flow to his brain, he had lost memory and kept asking me where he was and why he was there. I explained the situation to the frantic furre and left him alone to give him a chance to calm down. I found myself hating guns.

I felt studious and started doing some programming after lunch and closed myself up completely for that.

When I met Rainbow in the supper, he told me that he had went to the Iron Star Tavern and Inn down in the Imaginarium, and had a good chat with jh’Scrud and Scrud’s friend, Last Chance about issues in Furcadia and in the Other World. I was a little bit surprised that Rainbow could talk about issues in the Other World sensibly. But I slapped myself in my mind for this ‘surprise’. Rainbow is just another furre, made of different stuffs. Every furre was linked to the Other World, and Rainbow should not be an exception.

Rainbow told me that jh’Scrud was very good with the Earth side of Furcadia, and had mentioned something about the bad properties of some subparts of the Earth of Furcadia. Rainbow said those bad things would show up in the Wind and Water of Furcadia, when ambushed. I learnt from Rainbow that Scrud had some kind of close connection with Talzmeir, because of his ability on manipulation with the earth system, and that he was one of the ‘hunter’ of Talz – hunting furres with special abilities.

Toying with the new information in my head, I went back to my programming. I had a feeling that I had touched such things before. I was doing it because I didn’t want to generate the training data of my neural network experiment, which I had planned for some time, and therefore was trying to generate it with programming.

Before I slept, I went to visit, as a spectator, in a world with shamans who fought hard to stop a very powerful shaman from creating a world with only powerful shamans. A sentence said by one of the opposing shamans was very inspirational: ‘you (referring to the very powerful shaman) had sought for power just because you were unhappy about the fact that things don’t go as you have wished’.

I think I had located one of the main sources of tragedy.

And I know I will have a very sweet sleep tonight. As I had wished.
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