Diary of Windera Z. Aquaz , Month 5

Day 5 of Month 5 (aka day 125) -- Work

Dear Diary,

I informally invited jh'Scrud to be a member of the forming group of Consultants@Furcadia. And then went to build the entrance hall with reception desk for the whole day. I decided that the clients should be met in an elegant garden, so that the 'seriousness' of our group can be conveyed while at the same time keeping the clients comfortable and relaxed (smoothed). I managed to get jh'Scrud to send a bot which he had taken over to come to the finished entrance hall (with an automated information center) after dinner. He liked the entrance hall a lot.

Belias, a newly acquantaince of Rainbow, who's also a Mason, uploaded her guided tour of DragonSpeak in the game hall of the Ring.

Cuddle Kat was the only successful challenger today because Rainbow helped me to make the information center in the afternoon.

Day 6 of Moth 5� A Long Day

Dear Diary,

I continued to make the building plan in the morning. It�s the first time I tried to build a building and therefore I was excited. When Rainbow and I took a walk after lunch, I found the portal to bomberfurre, a mock up dream of an other World called bomber man. We had fun in there playing the furcadian version of bomberman and was then joined by Mushra.

Later, when Rainbow went back to work, I roamed in the Castles in the sky. Each furre there had a �Familiar� following them. Mine was a cute pixie. Mushra joined me later and then summoned me to dungeon hack, which he was playing with his friend. I played dungeon hack with him until dinner.

When I went back to Laputa, I noticed that the Kawatoshi portal wasn�t there. I asked Estuko through the central messenger system why had the portal disappeared and she replied that she�s got tired of unwelcome visitors and got it shut down for the sake of the citizens. I asked Etsuko to summon me to where she was and I appeared in the dream of Blckpanther. Blackpanther was an expert in dream making and the dreams I visited were very grand, although he said that they were made years ago and were his first dreams. He told me that he had been invited to be the Mason Head but he declined it because he wanted to be free in his career in Dream Making. We shared our views on dream making and were happy to find that we had the same taste in dream making. Particularly, we both hate abuse of usage of exotic things.

I trial run the office of Consultants@Furcadia and soon a furre dropped in. She was called Orchestral. She was very interested in the organization, and had a love of exotic things. Then I inited her to play the Rainbow Challenge, and guided her around my several dreams. Lastly we arrived at the altar of Wind and Water and I explained my job to her, which turned into a lecture of the basics of the 5-elements theory.

After the lecture, it was past midnight and I was too excited to sleep, so I went to Orchestral�s dream which was a mirror place of an other World called Harry Potter. That place was called �Diagon Alley�. It was basically a street with many shops, most selling magic-related things like potions, magic textbooks, magic sports equipment, and wands.

I roamed in the shops in the deserted Alley and then when I finally felt tired, I went back to Laputa to sleep.

Orchestral and Lavender Moonstone were the successful challengers today.

Day 7 of Month 5 � Persistence

(aka Day 127)

Dear Diary,

Beliza, Iza, Julira, Emli, Heck and Laura Starr were the successful challengers today.

I went back repairing the Challenge of Wind and Water and did some more planning on the CF thing till dinner and then went to Dimsey�s house.

Dimsey Lightfoot was with his wife Dainami and their child, Pink child, who had a strange barcode that extends from her feet to her knee. She was a curious child who was unluckily maltreated at schools, and was often called evil. It was said that she was brought to the school on a day by 3 monsters� An uncle of hers scan the crystal that belong to the fire generating staff over her barcode, and some weird words appear saying that the body of this little child was probably a product of the lost technology era. However, my mind was very far away at that time because of a story Rainbow told me today.

Rainbow was, as usual, sitting in the Rainbow Ring and Complex, answering calls from the Dream Help Channel while waiting for challengers to come. He had dealt with help request from a furre particularly untalented in Dream making and DS programming, and nearly lost his interest in helping the seemingly hopeless case. But finally, he got the furre understood what he/she needed to know. And meanwhile he had to guide a really stupid challenger who refused to give up. Finally, Rainbow was surprised that the challenger managed to persist till the GOAL and felt weird about this incidence. I told him that furres don�t count opportunity cost when they are engaged in a GOAL, usually. They will persist till they succeed (when luck is on their side), or perish (the default ending).

Rainbow then asked me whether this is because furres will tend to give themselves a goal as the �meaning� of their own lives. I can only answer that it is sometimes the case but sad as it seems, it�s better than the possibility that every entity are born to fulfill some preset goal(s) (i.e. everyone like Rainbow), because that will make life degrades to the level of a part of a machine.

I reflect upon myself, and found that I have things that I persist too, but those stuffs were too intricate and complicated to be summarized accurately in any way.
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