Diary of Windera Z. Aquaz , Month 5

Day 8 of Month 5 (aka day 128) -- Knot of the Wind

Dear Diary,

Iza in phoenix form on the left, me on the right, taken in the meditation clouds in my home.

I was absorbed in changing the DS of CoWW (Challenge of the Wind and Water) with the new DS to maximize performance of the Water system. In the afternoon, Iza came to visit me and I gave her a tour round the little ecosystem I lived in. It was one of those enjoyable afternoon, but strangely I cannot remember anything details that happened in that period. Near dinner, we arrived at the meditation site in the clouds and I think I dozed off there...

Today Rainbow had built a little mobile garden for himself for charging himself up. He called it Knot of the Wind, in which he put several inventions of his which he was proud of, like the Ghost generator and talking stuffs. I began to feel that Rainbow is too much like an intelligent furre than an intelligent bot.

Rainbow invited and then met personally with curiouskitten in the Knot of the Wind when charging and had a good night�s chat with her. Curiouskitten was confused about the fact that Rainbow would not be taken over by me anymore, because she had never met a bot who can act on his own before.

Day 9 of Month 5 � Ghost Dancer

Dear Diary

I wandered in some interesting database today, after Miles Prower who was invited by Rainbow, visited the Ring. Mr. Prower asked a question on the command �parental� which I had only heard of it but didn�t test it out, and nor did Rainbow. I made an eduacated guess and guessed the correct answer. Yay!

The database was a collection of diaries entered by entities living in the worlds. It was a very interesting experience to read the diaries of entities living in different world but I had no intention to add my own to it. It�s enough for me to have you, dear Diary 

After lunch, I worked more on the challenge of the Wind and Water, adding documentation and hints for the challengers and debugged the waiting room system. I forgot to take my dinner.

Then all of a sudden, Rainbow told me to come and see his newest invention based on the ghost generator technique: GHOST DANCE. Rainbow had built a special platform which shows ghost of the dancer based on the theory deduced from the ghost generator machine. Now, what do you think, dear Diary, about a bot who invents new technology? The machine was built on some special behavior of the Wood system (illusion system) due to a flaw in the Metal system (memory system).

Rainbow, after letting me to try it, challenge me to propose a theory of what�s happened after describing me the results of the experiments he had done. Using the 5-element theory, I was able to compose an identical theory (same as what Rainbow�s got in his mind) very quickly.

Iron Schizor, Civil, Holy Bunny�s bot, and Flippancy were the successful challenger�s today. Holy Bunny drove his bot into the Challenge and played it again using his bot in the afternoon.

Before I went to sleep, I went to have a walk in GigaRose�s house, which had just completed the refurbishment. She has got a chaos pool which messed up the wind system (screen-updating system) and gave rise to very chaotic effect. Then I went to sleep after telling Rainbow to test the half-finished CoWW for me.

Rainbow told me in my dreams that he had had a good chat with curiouskitten after curiouskitten helped him to test the CoWW for me. No serious bug was found. YAY~!
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