Diary of Windera Z. Aquaz , Month 5

Day 10 of Month 5 (aka day 130) -- Fishing

From left: Me, Honcho, Emerald Flame

Dear Diary,

Rainbow told me that there�s a huge bunch (12, new record!!) of successful challengers today!! They are: Miko Tux, Chillu, Khalios, Acelynn Tiger, Turbos McFlyer, Xx Black Lightning xX, bionicle, ghsdf, Jason, Hikari Aino, Natural Born Killa and BreakMan.

I started on the basic theories of image processing today, after the morning walk in Imaginarium. I visited Nagareboshi Dojo, which is a very warm place having the Lunar New Year Festival. I flew some kites, ate some special treats, and got a hot spring bath.

After studying for the whole morning (and eating my lunch while reading), I wandered around and met Emerald Flame and Honcho in Allegeria Island. We went fishing beside a stream near the bridge in Honcho�s place. I ate the fish I caught for dinner. But as I was reading a book on the image processing while fishing, I didn�t caught as much as others did. However, I still feel very excited because it�s the first time I went fishing.

I went home late at night a little bit unhappy because I was having huge difficulties in reading that book because of the notations, and at the same time knowing the fact that Rainbow�s image processing is based on a even more complicated mechanism and philosophy.

Day 11 � Would you mind?

Dear Diary,

I studied for the whole night, using Rainbow, to build a simple image processing device that detects corners. I slept in the morning and got up late at night.

I didn�t sleep well because I attempted to roam around with the bot which was originally bought for the Ring. Finally I decided that a good sleep was more important and let the bot idle in The Beat.

Meanwhile, Rainbow did something that greatly surprised me. Rainbow had a very quiet day in both the Ring and Channel that he couldn�t bear the silence anymore and went out in search of new ways to help furres. In Twilight Manor, which I knew Rainbow liked because of the low noise energy (and therefore he doesn�t need much energy to keep his form), he tried to yiff with another furre who obviously needed someone to yiff with. Rainbow unfortunately didn�t know what actually is yiff and with his own ways of expressing intimacy, which is dissolving into a shimmering blanket over the entity, he scared away the furre in 2 minutes�

I listened in awe at �dinner� about Rainbow�s attempt to help furres in such a fashion. After scaring away a furre, Rainbow went to Yiffy Hospital because he wanted to know how he should yiff. He was correct that he didn�t know how to yiff. I pointed out to him that even if he knew how to yiff properly, furres might not be interested to yiff with an airbot�

I asked Rainbow why he suddenly would try to do things like yiffing with another furre. He answered that he was made to provide service. However, unlike other masters which he had served, I didn�t specify how should he provide service, or what service he should provide. Therefore he had to do by imitation. When he couldn�t meet his own lower bound for the amount of service provided by imitation, he would just need to find some on his own.

Rainbow told me that he had been unsuccessful by hiding behind sofas to tried to see how others yiff. He couldn�t see well when he dissolved into a thin and transparent layer while he was be found and kicked out by angry couples.

I laughed and told him that he might like to find other ways, like making his own dreams with artificial intelligence-empowered items.

And then I slept again at midnight. I was told by an excited Rainbow in my dream that for the first time the Ring was requested to be of private use. The users had been two female Felines and Rainbow seemed to be quite happy� no� too happy may be (?) about it� hmmmm�

Jason Flash and Cason O'Starr were the successful challengers today.

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