Diary of Windera Z. Aquaz , Month 5

Day 12 of Month 5 – The “Meaning” of Life

(aka Day 132)

Dear Diary,

I force Rainbow to take a holiday and reflect on his own behavior. I told him that he WAS and WILL still be a bot, and that no matter how sophisticated he is, he is inherently different from other furres. For other furres, they are born with a system which is basically the same for one and other, called ‘emotion’. And Rainbow didn’t have that. He could only logically deduce, from his experience, the causes and consequence of emotions. But emotional casuality is not something that conforms to the common logic programmed into him. I showed him his design specification and I thought I made him understand the fact that he should not, therefore, attempt to provide any service which is strongly linked to emotions, like yiffing and relationship constulting, as well as psychoanalysis.

Then Rainbow told me that he was thinking about the fact that “he was born to serve”, and asked me whether his ‘meaning of life’ is to serve furres.

I was a little bit surprised to be questioned by a bot about ‘the meaning of life’. However, given the reasoning ability of Rainbow, it was not too much of a surprise actually. I explained to Rainbow on the fact that ‘meaning’ is something that is observer, viewpoint and context dependent. Therefore his question was not a well formulated one.

He thought for a while and asked me ‘what does it usually mean when an entity ask about one’s meaning of life’. I asked him back what did he think is meant by himself asking what his own meaning of life is. He pointed out he was utterly confused by what it mean to ‘serve’. He pointed out he was, which I already knew, made to provide service. He would serve whenever he could. But he was not told how he should serve instinctive-wise. He had to receive explicit orders or learn when he tries to provide a new kind of service. And he recently realized that ‘serving’ others has two meanings: from the process point of view and from the consequence point of view. He didn’t know which side to take.

I explained to him that normal furres are not born with any preset goals. They normally question their ‘meaning of life’ when they find it painful or costly to stay alive or to do something which they have no other good alternatives. But because they are not born with any preset goals, they can create, if they want, their ‘meaning of life’ which would justify their own behaviors of, for example, doing what they don’t enjoy. Lastly, I convinced Rainbow that it is his luck that he can choose what it is to be meant by ‘serve’. Having such freedom of decision will always be something good for the concerned entity.

I left Rainbow to meditate, and to reform his priorities in the meditation site and went to study for the whole afternoon.

At dinner, I was surprised that Rainbow had used the material in our discussion on meaning of life to help Yoshi the Chibi Dragon on the same matter. I think of ‘fate’, the children of Wind and Water.

I built the canteen of the office for CF (editor 262501: Consultants@Furcadia) at night. When I just wanted to sleep, and had closed the portal to my home, Cher cuddlebear begged me to show her around my home, which she loved so much that she wants one herself. I thought I told her that one cannot dream for others but I think I was too sleepy and I actually dozed off somewhere sometime during the trip…

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