Diary of Windera Z. Aquaz , Month 5

Day 13 of Month 5 – Emotion and Humor

(aka Day 133)

Dear Diary,

I woke up a little bit after midnight and started an essay about (for now I will call it) the Ring of Existence. Then I dropped off the sleep till morning.

Today I immersed myself in artificial vision. I continued my basics and tried to to a simple camera calibration with a skeleton given by that database in lost technology. I used Rainbow to simulate the hardware part I needed for the exercise.

Rainbow closed down the Ring early in the evening and served me to my dinner. I asked him what why suddenly he would close down the Ring in such an early hour when he was not in need of charging. He replied that he had entered the Rainbow Challenge to the official quest dream competition. He would like to perfect some DS of the game for it.

However, his silence and his unusual flickering while he sat in front of me made me suspicious. I had ended all the programs which were used to simulate the hardware performance I used for my little exercise, and there was no wind in my Laputa’s living room, because I had turned on the transparent wall system. His unusual flickering indicated that he was processing something heavily that he had no spare resources to keep his shape steady. I inquired about his status and he replied that he was sure he had done something wrong this afternoon. He slowly revealed that he had not been able to understand the request of service from a furre whom I knew, and had made the furre horribly angry.

He refused to tell me who that furre was and therefore I didn’t enquire him about the name anymore. I asked him what the ‘request’ he perceived was and he replied that he was requested to be grumpy.

I asked for the exact words and he replied that the furre asked him ‘why aren’t you grumpy like every day?’. I couldn’t understood this question but when I thought about it, I realized that Rainbow would be seen as a grumpy furre by others because of his lack of normal emotion, and exclusive use of logic on any subject matter. I explained to Rainbow that ‘grumpiness’ is not something usually liked and therefore what probably happened was that this furre was feeling very unhappy at that moment and therefore he/she found it especially annoying to see that Rainbow was in a ‘good mood’ – which was due to the fact that he was devoting a substantial amount of resources for my hardware simulation work…

Obviously Rainbow had not taken the implication of this furre’s speech, and had taken the furre’s complaint as a request. He drooped lower and said that now that he thought of it, the furre had indicated that he/she had said that he/she was feeling grumpy, but he hadn’t thought of the linkage between the two things, and had therefore taken the literal meaning of that ‘question’….

I asked him what exactly happened then and he shook, went silent for a while and slowly told me that the furre told him about things he/she seemed to be unhappy about and then he tried to tease the furre with grumpy joke (which he refused to repeat to me) he learnt from the yiffy hospital, and got the furre very very angry.

I sighed and told Rainbow that one cannot tease unhappy furres, including teasing with jokes, especially grumpy ones, and I told him that the jokes he heard in the yiffy hospital was expected to be quite offensive to be told by him to any other furres, given what he is. Rainbow said he would apologize to the furre as soon as he could find the furre. So the furre was so angry that he/she cut off his/her message channel?

Kuro Shade, Oken Xeoti, Resh Sum and traitor were the successful challengers today.

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