Diary of Windera Z. Aquaz , Month 5

Day 14 of Month 5 – Process and Results

(aka Day 134)

Dear Diary,

Rainbow asked for a holiday for the Ring and so the two of us went away from our work and had a rest. While I walked around sightseeing different dreams from morning till lunch, Rainbow played Scramble Egg in a game dream till dinner, while receiving calls from the Dream channel.

I received a letter from Cjason O’Harris asking me to review his dream. I asked Rainbow about why this furre would know my mail address and he told me that he had recommended me to the furre as a dream reviewer, because he asked for such service and was observed to like the dreams I made very much.

I visited Talz’s new house in which Talzhemir tested a special type of objects which resembles a wall. It was a castle dream full of texture. There were big stars as textures on the entrance toy-feel living room, and the ‘walls’ of the stone castle part had a texture so intricate that makes the scene looks like it’s another World.

At night, Rainbow ‘broke’ into my room and told me that he shouldn’t have put ‘process’ over ‘results’. I waited for him to explain, and at the end Rainbow said although he knew very clearly that he was no good at things related to emotions, he thought that ‘providing service when asked’, i.e. the process of giving service, is more important than what is the result of his services, because the result is not predictable often. I laughed at his rigid line of reasoning and pointed out that such priorities is dependent on context and the possibility of the results. He grimly protested that the amount of information he could use for his intelligence is much less than a general furre. I soothed him like he’s a furre and told him that he just need to learn the lesson.

He apologized for his stupidity and assured me that he had used every means to apologize to the furre whom he had hurt.

Day 15 -- Work

Dear Diary,

I work for the whole day again on some general basics of machine learning. What I am learning is still very very far from that used on Rainbow. I went to Talz’ house again in Acropolis before bed and met cher cuddlebear there. Cher, upon seeing me, immediately changed all her dresses and hair color etc to mine so we looked like twins…

Cher cuddlebear showed me her unfinished new home, which resembled much to mine deliberately. However, she couldn’t understand that my home was not possible if I have not got those floating nano-device supporting the whole Laputa.

Before bed, I went to Djason’s unfinished dream whose portal was not much further, which tried to target new furres, and wrote him a review.

FreakTrigger, Raio, The Hare, Lord Patton, Deri, Orchid Darkstar, Necile, Jonay and Starla Grae were the successful challengers today.

Day 16 – Back to normal?

Dear Diary,

Today, Rainbow decided to create a portal to the Ring in the Allgeria Island. After breakfast, I walked around in dreams which have portals on the Allgeria Island and found some very beautiful flowers in a dream called Furcadia World. Then I worked in my study learning about machine learning for the whole morning.

After lunch, I wandered in Imaginarium and was very happy to find Kawatoshi's portal. I did my study in an empty house after playing balls with Etsuko, and sitting with 3 furres in the Ramen shop..

After dinner, I found curiouskitten sleeping on her books in her study. I made the air in the room warm to prevent her getting a cold. Then she woke up and messaged me. So I visited her. She told me that she was sorry about yelling at Rainbow. I didn’t know what she was talking about at first. Then I made the association that she was the one Rainbow told a bad joke to. I apologized for Rainbow’s inconsiderate joke and curiouskitten was happy that the misunderstanding was cleared.

I shouldn’t have treated Rainbow as a normal furre in the area of emotional common sense… On my way I returned to my mobile study I saw Rainbow spiritedly welcoming visitors and soon Rainbow sent a messaged to me that the furre whom he had made angry had reassured him that the incidence is history now. He told me that he would be more careful in the future.

Pikapetz, Delanderia, Hoppelia, Red&white, Marcus Furre, PickleHead, Styles, DragonZero and Puppy Syde were the successful challengers today. I think the sudden increase was due to entering the quest dream competition.

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