Diary of Windera Z. Aquaz , Month 5

Day 17 of Month 5 -- Degrees of Freedom (of Mind)

(aka Day 137)

Dear Diary,

Today, Rainbow asked me an interesting question at breakfast, �Are there really furres who speak the opposite of what their minds are thinking?�

I smiled and told Rainbow, �If you�ve seen it yourself, you should believe your own eyes, I suppose?�

Rainbow nodded and replied, �Well, I met a furre some days ago who was very violent when I invited him to look around the Ring. But then he finally dropped in and sight-see the whole Ring, though complaining he didn�t like cheerful places and friends. When I challenged him to the Rainbow Challenge, he complained that he never play games because that�s childish. But then he dropped into the Rainbow Challenge and played till the yellow challenge.�

I explained that furres have a mind and reasoning system more complex then any bot. Our system permits conflicting ideas to exist concurrently and allow us to do things that is against our reasoning system�s command.

Rainbow was very troubled by this new piece of knowledge. He was silent till I left to study some more on artificial neural network and he left for a new day at the Ring and Challenge.

After lunch, I went to play pipes in the Lygeia�s Forest of Games. There we met Sebrino (something like that), with whom I went to the B@t town with him. We managed to find a yellow key but was stuck in the forest maze. That forest maze was horrible. We cannot see each other even if we are just a few steps away. We lost all sense of directions in it because of low visibility. Either we find the exit point and got send back to the entrance, or we were stuck in the middle. We were unable to find the mysterious mansion before Sebrino said he had had enough of being changed to a mermaid (I was changed to a lion who looked naked) and getting completely lost in a dense forest. Then we went to the Crossroad and were amazed at the glorious style of it. Before I went back to work, I paid a visit to curiouskitten�s house and found that she�s sleeping.

And then as I uploaded the portal of my home in Imaginarium again, I met Dimsey. We quietly read our own stuffs in the mobile study whose entrance I implanted in the elevator so the garden becomes locked. The matrix, Shawna Kelfonne, Tammy Doggeries, HolySpeed, Aries Marvina, PhrictionBurn and Sweet-as-chocolate were the successful challengers of the day.

Day 18 of Month 5 -- Waves

(aka Day 137)

Dear Diary,

Today I spent all the morning in Kawatoshi trying to get a super-mini model of one of the primative versions of the intelligence units that makes up Rainbow. I got a visitor but was not able to talk with him much. I gave him my diary and soon he left, realizing that I was very busy and trapped.

In the afternoon, I went on duty in the altar of the Wind and Water because of a presage that there will be visitors to the altar today.

Tallgeese IIII (Custom) and Dashbar was today's only successful challengers because Rainbow had to charge up during the morning and then had a very stressful day on the channel, and spent the last bit of his energy playing some group games in Allgeria Island, and therefore had to recharge again during the evening. He told me that in that game players were chased by officials who tried to kill the game players. He didn't know that the officials meant 'go back to the start' when they meant kill, and performed his near-perfect defense on the poor officials...

In the evening, the altar got Tallgeese and cher cuddlebear as the visitors. I helped Tallgeese to find exotic items he would like to have to create his perfect dream, which is a dream about another World called Gundam.

After the search for Tallgeese's items, I went back to the study and finished the modelling with cher sitting by my side.

At night, Rainbow showed me the ancient game of GO and we started to play against each other. Rainbow told me that his previous owner played GO with him every morning, but still refused to say who his master was.

I reckoned if it is a secret, his master would be someone whose name was still remembered or recorded somewhere now in Furcadia. But that's the least thing I would care.

When I was between asleep and awake in the night, I thought of something like if Rainbow is still treating his past master as his true owner and may be iscarrying out what his master had wanted to do?

And then I thought of one thing which I learnt in the other world, 'All crimes start from lack of faith and trust.' What is faith? What is trust? Is trusting what you believe in is faith?

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