Diary of Windera Z. Aquaz , Month 5

Day 19 of Month 5 -- Avatar

(aka Day 138)

Dear Diary,

I reread Rainbow's manual this morning, in a deserted corner in Imaginarium, and discovered about a new functions of Rainbow: I can make Rainbow to seperate into two halves with my own nano-system (aka magic) and control that part of Rainbow like my avatar. So I created a 'copy' of myself with part of Rainbow and then started exploring the most deserted areas of Imaginarium with it because of interest.

In a dark corner of an upstairs room, I discovered a portal to UltimateSin's dream, and I roamed around the beautiful waterfall scene with my avatar while I myself dropped into Haunted Mansion 2003 in Allgerial Island and amazed at the grandness of the Haunted Mansion (the nano-systems that created the images of the ghosts there sucks compared to that of Rainbow's), and discovering several hidden passages e.g. a secret door behind a book shelf, and then finally summoning my avatar to remove the lock to the guided tour passages so that I can look around from the guided door. Then I sent my avatar roaming around Furrabia Nights while I guided a visitor around the Haunted Mansion. At the end, the furre I guided discovered a pillow which sends furre through a wall -- that wall was obviously a 3-D image formed by nano-devices -- and into a series of secret meeting rooms and parlours.

I ended up reading about machine learning in a dungeon with fire and flowing water in the Haunted Mansion for the rest of the day. Meanwhile, my avatar found a beautiful dream made by one of the past challengers, Poiuy. It was called Simple Paradise. I went back to Laputa, and through my avatar, I told UltimateSin how to close a dream portal and summoned them to a fabulous room which has got a ring of sakura trees in full blossom in Simple Paradise. Through my avatar, I gave some advice to Poiuy while eating my lunch+dinner all at once. Then I noticed how tiring it is to control the avatar in a normal furre shape.

Before I collapsed in my bed I flipped over the manual again and found in the appendix, the way to initialize the default shape of a sub-part taken from Rainbow...

Artemis Silvershadow, S3phiroth, Evanie and Star Ammesty were the successful challengers today.

Day 20 � Exhausting consciousness

(aka dat 140)

Dear Diary,

I closed up myself in the study because I couldn�t bear the feeling that I still know too little about the lost technology to call myself a professional in lost technology. However, something seemed to ring in my head today. I couldn�t concentrate. I looked into the equations of matrices but none made sense to me. After a futile session of studying, I went to the meditiation site in the clouds and read the Heart Sutra. It made sense to me but I wanted to read more about its points� I felt very light and after an attempt to walk about in sight-see after dinner, I went to an early sleep.

May be using an avatar like yesterday I did is really tiring�

Blackrose Devlin, Jeff Dogbone, Omega Blade, ~Equalizer~, rainytown and DeragonC were the successful challengers today.

Day 21 � News on Rainbow Ring

Dear Diary,

Rainbow told me about what he had done to the Rainbow Challenge in the past week since he entered it for the quest dream competition which today had 14 entries only. He added more hints and removed more glitches and added an anti-blocking DS group for the Yellow Challenge.

He happily told me that after his effort in keeping the Ring a welcoming place, the Ring finally is getting a few furres who hangs around it often. Rainbow said the Ring had become home to a homeless furre called Kaoula Su since 3 weeks ago. Kaoula told him that she came from another World called Love Hina, and she was sort of �kicked out� of the Hinata, a place she lived during her teenage years, when the heir of the Hinata married a girl who also lived in Hinata the Ladies� hotel with her before.

He said that sometimes he gives dream control to Kaoula when he comes back to recharge. He said that he reckons that any furre would treaure one�s home and therefore he figured out he should trust her. He also told me that he would work with the Knot of the Wind after he thought he finished with removing all the glitches in the Rainbow Challenge.

Finally he told me that he was happy to see that the Ring�s beauty in it�s design was appreciated. Rainbow told me how the visitors like the joke the lamp genie in the game hall made. The genie was my idea and his DS. I looked at Rainbow�s happy face, understanding that it�s a result of programming, and happy that although Rainbow cannot have an emotional system as complex as other furres�, his emotions are not mere expression and has computational effects in his system.

I slept (nearly) for the whole day. And I am surprised how much I can sleep�

Zodiac Racetrak, Race through the Clouds, Cyarah, Opticblood and Kelwin were the successful challengers today.

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