Diary of Windera Z. Aquaz , Month 5

Day 22 of Month 5 -- Cry from the Abyss

(aka Day 142)

Dear Diary,

After much meditation last night (I didn�t sleep last night because I slept for all the day already), I decided that I am subconsciously determined to continue with Consultants@Furcadia, despite all the difficulties. I worked hard from 6 a.m. in the morning till lunch and made all the office rooms, i.e. built the meeting room and the office room which has a bed and bears the feel of my first mobile study. I ate lunch and then created a portal to the office and furres started dropping in, obviously attracted by the name. I continued to work on the DS of the place while guiding furres around. Near dinner, a furre called Zia Z. came around and started criticizing the new office that it�s fluffy and crude and then pointed at the pink cushions in the restaurant and said that it�s rock. I was so tired at that point that I couldn�t realize that the furre was just trying to make me annoyed and I just plainly explained to him why the cushions are cushions, not rocks, and even at later time, summoned a Mason to do a review with my dream, and that poor Mason couldn�t find anything to criticize on�

At night, I got 2 visitors who seemed to like the office a lot, as well as getting cher cuddlebear and her friends enjoying the new office. A furre called something like Kaosoleum (I can�t remember his name anymore because of tiredness) sat and chat with me till I slept and he went home in my office, which was the friendliest office room in the whole office complex. It was a good night. It pleases me much to see furres enjoying dreams I made. Poor Rainbow was reforming his body in Laputa after I made him produce a DS-programmable bot which I called Lil, whom would be the cook serving the restaurant-bar-hightable 3 in one canteen in the office of CF.

As I worked hard on Lil, I suddenly realized Rainbow could not have had a happy past: his past owners must have used him like a plant producing �bot-materials��

Day 23 of Month 5 � The Prematurely Born

(aka day 143)

Dear Diary,

I worked on Lil this morning again and finally got it to do what I would like it to do for the bar customers. I happily created a portal for the office in Allgeria Island and soon were joined by several curious furres. One of them are Arinos, a Mason whom was told by Rainbow about the new office of the group.

I was asked several questions which I had had a hard time finding my own answer but luckily I did on that night meditating in the clouds and therefore I didn�t have to think much to give her satisfactory answers.

Rainbow had excused himself from a half-day off from the Challenge so that he could add a new function, which is to let one furre who finished the Challenge without supervision to leave their name there.

At tea, when I was eating my peach, Rainbow sent me a wonderful picture. Rainbow finished his new addition to the Challenge and went to dream hopping. He fell into KittyKat�s dream whose portal was in Allgeria Island. As from the photo, it�s a very beautiful and amazing place. However, Rainbow said that the DS was not very well done. There were bugs in the Lily pond ride and most doors didn�t work naturally.

I was so bored after tea that I summoned jh�Scrud to walk around the place. He was obviously very busy, looked grudgeful but had not asked to leave. I didn�t know what to do, and therefore invited him to sit in my office room. After some time, he pointed at me saying I am Rainbow, the Mason and other stuffs which Rainbow acknowledged to have told him about me.

Jh�Scrud had tried to give some criticism but before we could come to any constructive ideas, he yelled that he resigned from the CF group before leaving. And during the period, I wrongly imitated his way of talking and got him irritated obviously. I had obviously forgotten something very important: politeness and lack of sarcarcity. However, I think it was because I was so lost about being thought to be a bot. I am NOT a bot. How come anybody can mistake a furre as a bot?! Even though Rainbow is really a very sophisticated bot, his behavior is obviously different from any normal furre� I can accept furres thinking Rainbow as me, because I had took him over often in the past, but I really cannot accept being mistaken as a bot.

Soon, I felt that I cannot feel my murky heart and closed down the portal of the office. I went to jh�Scrud�s creation the Iron Star Continuity, wandered around a bit, saw jh�Scrud in the Tavern. When I saw his expression, something hit my heart and the murky substance in my heart was gone. I set up the portal to Laputa in one of the empty dream pad in the Continuity and sat in my room and thought deeply about the whole CF business.

And yeah, as this is MY diary, I won�t put any business-related stuffs here. This is because I realized something tonight: business is like a baby, and is easily dead if born prematurely.

As the Ring was open only during the night today, Kajineko and Lord kelian were the only successful challengers today.

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