Diary of Windera Z. Aquaz , Month 5

Day 24 of Month 6 -- And Once Again, Again, and Again

(aka day 144)

Dear Diary,

As Rainbow had succeeded in enabling successful challengers to leave their name in the dream, he might leave the Challenge when needed. Immediately exploited this chance and I found that I had been missing him these days.

Today, I and Rainbow played dungeon hack again and we managed to get to the last level. However, both of us ran out of interest near dinner. Rainbow went out of energy at night and recharged himself in my room in Laputa while leaving me to manage the Ring.

After dinner, I invited Cobo and his friends to sit in the Ring. One of Cobo�s friend, called Stephen (and then something... forgot his surname) was very jumpy and liked to treat other furres as toys and therefore was unable to develop stable and deep relationship with most furres. But as most furres do, he yearned for care and love which made him more jumpy and so on and pulled him into a vicious cycle. I couldn�t bear the tragic element in what I saw and I had to calm myself by meditating in one corner of the entrance hall. I have locked myself up long enough to make my mind unprepared for these unhappy situations.

ShadowSpell Darkmoon, Jonny Iceblade, Neo#SJx and Sytherous were the successful challengers today.

Before sleep, I suddenly had a very weird feeling: I thought I was somehow dissipated all over (some of ) the Worlds, but was not in anywhere. I felt like I exist in nowhere. I felt discontinuous, and things messes up in their chronological order. I know something�s happening, but nothing matters to me.

Day 25 �V The Horror of Wind and Water

(aka day 145)

Dear Diary,

Today I sat in the altar on duty while reading the diary I wrote myself. I was very bemused at my obviously fragmented life. It is almost like that I don��t have any memory of my life except my diary. But this characteristic is not something I do not already know about �V it is something inherent to my relationship with the Wind and Water. My memory is volatile, and I don��t mind about having a volatile memory. From traces of evidence, it was evident that I am one of the ��world crosser��. I am not only a ��World Traveler��, because I am not a mere tourist in the Worlds I ��trespass��. But it is often the case that when I am in one world, I do not remember what happened in the other Worlds. Although some of entities of the worlds I ��live�� in do not acknowledge the presence of other worlds, I cannot see why shouldn��t I remember, nor not remember things about ��the other worlds��.

But I guess if it��s any other furres who were in my situation, it would have given them a thorough scare. But genuinely I feel nothing about this ��abnormal�� situation.

Near lunch, Rainbow came back in and said he would work on adding one more story to the Magic book in the Ring, as well as getting the books in the Ring��s library arranged. In the afternoon, Blado dropped into the altar and I persuaded him to get some sleep after it was clear that he was having a flu. As I added some shortcuts in my home, cher cuddlebear dropped in. She told me that she��s going to get many special items for her hard work of making dreams for others and would give a pair of butterfly wings to me. I smiled from the bottom of my heart because I knew I look good in butterfly wings.

At night, I restarted my work on the little simulation project on artificial neural network, with the help of Rainbow. Then I helped Rainbow in testing the anti-bumping system in the maze.

Null Flux, Jacie, Chieko, Angela Silverstars, Shadows Black and Loralei Saige Sylvia were the successful challengers today.

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