Diary of Windera Z. Aquaz , Month 5

Day 26 of Month 5 -- Wind and the in the Wind

(aka day 146)

Dear Diary,

So many things seemed to have happened today that even I am not sure I can remember it.

First, in the morning, I tried to do some improvement on my little home and made it more visitor-friendly. I was a little bit tired physically but I was still spirited. Secondly, I was trying to study something which I had never come across before: how to create something complicated in a team. What I was reading was targeted at building software systems, but the �how to analyses the problem domain� could be applied to many other things as well.

And I didn�t know why, but today I have got many visitors at home: two of them stayed long enough to meet me face by face. One of them is hakkou, who asserted that he (or she?) would be my home�s second fans. After lunch, I met Dimsey Lightfoot, Dainami and Mushra at the city center of Imaginarium, just before I wanted to dropped in to the Ring back to my study. Mushra Claymore and I spent the afternoon in my little room in Laputa, with me studying while chatting brainlessly with him and him reading my diary, and chatting back to me.

At night, Rainbow told me that he needed my help to do the �last test� for Rainbow Challenge, which should be submitted before midnight the next day. So we worked non-stopped since dinner, till he had to recharge and I was just drained out, which was then well past midnight. Hiroshimo, Kepler, Princess Sandra, Roxy Silverstars, Elvarn, Odyseey'Hyro, Crystal#SOSinger and hakkou were the successful challengers of the day.

Day 27 of Month 5 � Drip-drop

(aka day 147)
Dear Diary,

I and Rainbow was busy doing the last stage of testing and refining of the anti-mess and anti-blocking system for the whole day till dinner, when we finally agreed that it could be submitted.

In the afternoon, just after I finished lunch, Mushra, who was in phoenix form, came in. He was very sentimental which caught me tightly that I had difficulty in leaving him alone in my study (which has got a secret passage for winged furres to come in) and went to help Rainbow to test out his new codes. Luckily he followed me to the Challenge and happily did the whole game again and then boosted to me he had done it for 40 times�

After Rainbow finished the testing part which need me to help with, I went back to my study room in Laputa.

Mushra followed me and we had a very nice and peaceful afternoon sitting together, with him reading my diary and I continued with my study, and a visitor joined and left us after Mushra drew a sketch for us. However, something still caught my mind. I felt that there�s something Mushra wanted to tell me.

And my premonition was right. Mushra told me that his life�s end was coming and he could feel it. He asked for a place in my little world to let him R.I.P, and to be remembered. I looked at his falling feathers onto my study�s grassy bio-mat, and promised him a tomb on the Rainbow Island.

And I don�t know why, I suddenly have several visitors today� may be Rainbow was so good in his job of keeping the Ring�s atmosphere friendly and warm that more and more furres are interested in dropping in�

Garnet Aurora Millicent, Yeai, fee fo1, Desespera, Kaoula Su and Nectus are the successful challengers of the day.

Late at night, Rainbow unhappily told me an incident where a bug in the Dream Channel Bot made him to be accused of idling on the channel for a continuous 7 hours making calls to accumulate while other masons thought there�s someone on the channel�

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