Diary of Windera Z. Aquaz , Month 5

Day 29 -- Summoners' Paradise

(Aka Day 149)

Dear Diary,

I dropped off to sleep early last night without doing much work before. And then obviously I had, in my dream, went to that world which I was in the day before. I ran around the world wildly, trying to do this and dead. It was a very large island, surrounded by water. I ran to the northern sea shore, alone, and bathed in the clear refreshing water. I ran around wildly, unlike other entities who live purposefully to get their levels up and try to gain more money and train for more abilities. I did team up occasionally with others, for fun, to beat bandits and chat. However, as I am not caring much about fighting, and drops into dreamy state often, I died several times and was transported far away from my teammates and lost all my belongings. I am too used to dropping in to dreamy states.

Finally, I decided that it is no fun fighting bandits/animals to get their belongings and money and went to explore that World. It is much a deserted world actually. I could run for hours without seeing a moving entity at all. I ran into a rainy and wet area in the west. Finally I felt really bored and decided to sleep properly.

I came back to Furcadia early the evening and found Rainbow very worried. He said he was baffled with my disappearance.

As I sat and had my dinner, listening to Rainbow��s report on how fans of the Ring request a more stable portal and suddenly inspiration on a new game stormed into my head. I told about it to Rainbow and we named it Summoners�� Paradise. We started working on the map and basic DS of it (I will short-name it to SP) immediately afte r dinner and we worked all through the night.

Stevie (the male fire elf), Red Hero, Nico Xin and Kurai Mori were the successful challengers today.

Day 30 �V The End of the Wind and the Start of Another Wind

(aka Day 150)

Dear Diary,

Early this morning, when I went to get some sleep, and Rainbow charges up in my room beside me, we sent a bot to open up a portal for the newly made Summoners�� Paradise. And the result was encouraging. In a few minutes, furres started to drop in one by one. Obviously we have found the right direction of our new dream.

We woke up refreshed/charged up and started to work on this promising game again. However, as we are trying to build something big, we had to, after building the entrance hall and showcase island, plan deeply about the whole system and divide the parts of map so that we may implement them separately. We successful divided all the places up into separable chunks and gave them names (in the planned order of development):
the Showcase Island, where summonables are displayed and introduced,
the Summoning Hall, where talented summoners are summoned to the Summoners�� Paradise to be trained in the Art of Summoning,
the Cross, a place linking up the 4 main infrastructures: the Academy of Summoning, which is a place to learn about the art of summoning and the qualification exams, and includesthe Arena;
the Palace of Fate, where the qualification takes place and will have a style much like the Rainbow Challenge, and
the Temple of Courage, where all the ��supporting services including registration (of duels and characters), lodging, meeting rooms etc will be provided, and finally, the Paradise Island where qualified summoners can explore.

Goddess Of The Thunder, Veronicerta, Arbre and Scamp were the successful challengers today.

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