The Diary of Windera Z. Aquaz
Month 6

Day 1 of Month 6 -- Jujinka Spring Festival

(aka day 151)

Photos sent from Rainbow -- Emerald Flame (furre with butterfly wings), Rainbow, and other furres in the Meovanni Village during the Jujinka Spring Festival. Furres were all got to dress differently when they went into the village

Dear Diary,

Today, Rainbow woke me up and before I become fully awake, to Meovanni Village, where the Jujinka Spring Festival took place. The village was decorated with flowers and fancy booths providing free cakes and flowers and fruit tree seeds (which grow into a full tree in less than an hour if placed in the 'magic field').

However, I was too tired and went back to sleep. At dinner, Rainbow informed me that the portal of Rainbow Challenge was up in the Challenge Map together with other quest dream entry. It woke me up completely.

After dinner, I went dream-hopping, and joined Cher cuddlebear in a DJ world for a while before continued my work on the Challenge of Wind and Water. Meanwhile, Rainbow went to tend the Rainbow Challenge and tried other quest dream entries.

Rainbow came back past mid night and recharged in my room while I found a Beekin Liberatus to test out the new section of the Challenge of Wind and Water. Liberatus said she had completed the Rainbow Challenge ages ago and was happy to see the sequel was much interesting and challenging that RC. Liberatus told me that only challenging challenge is a challenge and is interesting, and I began to doubt whether I should have tried to complete the Challenge of Wind and Water, together with the Rainbow Challenge and Rainbow Ring, to the competition. But I know we just don�t have that much time� the organizer didn�t seem to realize a good game needs a lot of developing time at all�

Also, Rainbow pointed out to me that no furre seems to know about the fact that the quest dream portals are up in the Challenge Island and therefore decided to post the notice in the Ring as well as doing some voluntary work � spreading the news out in the main cities.

And we agreed that we shouldn�t create another portal to Rainbow Challenge in the Ring, or else furres might be confused.

Today�s successful challengers were: Jounouchi, Chaoku and Mystical D. and Excel Raeburn.

Day 2 of Month 6 � Quest Day

(aka day 152)

Dear Diary,

Today I went alone to try out the quest dream while Rainbow recharges in Laputa.

In a jiffy, I completed Riddle Maze and Fool�s Manor. Then I tried Furcadiana Jones but the Wind and Water System of Furcadia seemed to hang up and I was forced back to my little home to sleep. When I woke up again, I spotted a furre called Body Bandit, who is actually an entity who avoided death by snatching other�s body. I smiled and snatched Body Bandit�s body and used �his� body to tried out Furcadiana Jones. I managed to complete it (with Liberatus). Then with Liberatus� help, I finished the Realm of Sphinx, which is a difficult version of Riddle Maze. Then we went to try the village with some other furres. We were completely clueless on what we should do and ended up in the bar after go through the cave in the island.

I couldn�t remember the exact order now but I managed to tried Lothevial (I am not sure about the spelling), which was seemingly interesting by we didn�t manage to solve the clues, Hysteria Mansion, after hearing about the plot, Siberian Ice, and Queen Vera, but didn�t managed to succeed in any one of these two.

I was worrying about the difficulty level of Rainbow Challenge (it is so easy compared to others) for the whole day. Although my conclusion was that it is better to find a challenge a bit too easy than too difficult, I thought that may be I am just bad at playing games. Although statistics from the Rainbow Challenge that only about 70% of challengers managed to complete the challenge, Rainbow told me something which cheered me up: a furre complained to him that although he found Rainbow Challenge to be an easy game, he kept coming back and redo the game for unknown reasons. So I guess although it�s easy, it�s enjoyable too?

At night, I had a chat with Cher cuddlebear in Laputa, and then went to her house to get a milk bath. Rainbow�s way of publicizing about the Rainbow Challenge seemed to work very well. Today there were loads of successful challengers: TOAN cat, Dalphin Saverintino, Dilapidation, Pro Josh, Felis Starshine, twister, xXxTKxXx, Pasquelle and Kyssei.

A lot of dragons in the Rainbow Challenge today... (Photo form Rainbow)

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