The Diary of Windera Z. Aquaz
Month 6

Day 3 – Work X 1

(aka day 153)

Dear Diary,

I started my work on my little mini-project on artificial neural network simulation. I cannot bear myself throwing down my study for too long. Knowledge is the best protection of Wind and Water, and being the messenger of the Wind from Water I have to come into close contact with the Wind and Water and therefore have to protect myself well.

I went to Kawatoshi for lunch and idled there until late afternoon, and helped calming and catching a robber who had robbed the passengers in Kawatoshi and then Etsuko’s kitchen.

After dinner, I chatted heartily with Poiuy and had a happy night. Then I started my non-stop work on my simulation study.

Today’s successful challengers were: sir link, cinnaman twist, Zronmarda, Lagaia Foster, Ribbiting Frog , Ahria Swiftbanks, Siberian Ice and MinoTekk.

Day 4 – Work X 2

(aka day 154)

Dear Diary,

Nothing to write here. I write down my study somewhere else. And I didn’t eat properly too. I just grab a dried peach from the fruit basket for breakfast, picked a fresh one for lunch and then Rainbow brought me fish soup for dinner. Huh. What a life. But I just couldn’t stop myself. And poor Rainbow… he simulated the neurons for me without recharging for the whole day and he was so low on energy that after I dismissed him at night, I spotted him in messed up colors when he spread out in his Lapine form in the Challenge to recharge.

And he hadn’t complained the less bit during the whole process…

Today’s successful challengers were: Katsu Miyao, HuFlung Poo, Hyutin, Nikodas, Johnny and Black Rain.

Day 5 – Quest dream competition results

(aka day 155)

Dear Diary,

Finally I finished work. And then I was informed by a frequent visitor of the Ring that the Quest dream competition results announcement was on the News channel. Here is the dream results and my personal comment + Felorin’s comments (Actually all of these are my comments but coincidentally they agree with Fel’s, except Taz’s quest for turkey, which only allows phoenixes to play…).

Quest Dream Contest results and reflections
Not awarded games:
Riddle Maze (too simple. uninteresting. not pretty design)
the village (don't get the clue at all... can't play : ( )
Bat Town (can't start at all... what to **** is the forest maze?! too hard (bottleneck problem)

Nichrome prize: (triwings)
(Some good jobs but major flaw)
Phobos Anomly, Rainbow Challenge, Hysteria Mansion
1. Out of theme but excellent patch and DS
2. Good overall design but too easy
3. Very interesting but too hard

Bronze prize: (phoenix +yellow)
Queen Vera
1. Average overall. Interesting use of myth.
Moreover, no serious flaw.

Silver prize (gryphon + red)
Realm of Sphinx
1. Excellent patch + good overall

Gold prize (Dragon +white)
Fool’s Manor
1. Excellent DS + motion game + good overall

The common 'bad' thing about the above quest: too puzzle based. Not much sense of 'quest'. Lack motives. Why should I do it????

Common things about the winning entries:
1. A real sense of quest.
2. A large amount of work done (DS, overall design, script).
3. Patchwork is excellent

Third prize (Tri-Wings, Butterfly Wings, and a Phoenix):
Siberian Ice
1. Very good setup game with time limit; excellent clues and novel and tensed up atmosphere :) but a bit boring sometimes.

Second prize (Tri-Wings, Phoenix, and a Dragon)
Lothaliviel (5-furred work), Furcadiana Jones (3-furred work)
1. A very LARGE amoung of good work, from patches of numerous well-designed characters to standard NPC dialogues with pauses. Dragon's quest a bit rushed but the phoenix quest is excellent. A bit confusing at times, though.
2. Excellent patches, elaborate game routes. Interesting design. Actions. Suitable degree of challenge. The treasure room looks great. Sudden end though.

First prize (Tri-Wings, Phoenix, Dragon, and 3 Portrait Spaces)
Taz's Quest for Turkey(by Honcho...)
1. Excellent DS, excellent patch, excellent physics (DS + patch creating a non-furc, pro-RPG game effect), and very nice reward at the end of the quest!! funny anime of Taz!!

In the night, I had a talk with Felorin. We talked about the quest dream entries, and things of the Other World. I expressed my gratitude to Felorin for creating the World of Furcadia.

There were a huge team of successful challengers today. I thought that winning the contest definitely had become a sort of advertisement for the game. Alexandra Drake, Ultima Dragon. Pokemon Trainer Jessica, Fantum, akanah, ]Heavenly Romance[, Alicia Arctic, MarieSerneholt and a furre whose name began with #SE ******** who didn’t want to get his name recorded down were the successful challengers today.

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