The Diary of Windera Z. Aquaz
Month 6

Day 6—30 of Month 6 – The Shattered Wind

(aka day 156-180)

Dear Diary,

I can just remember bits and pieces of what happened. I broke into pieces, and had difficulty in keeping my memories, as well as my physical body together. I always fainted in the middle of something, and lost my count of time. I woke up, and couldn’t remember what I was doing before I fainted, and in most occasions. I even didn’t know that I had ever fainted.

And I didn’t realize that I was breaking down before I saw Rainbow shivering in bright light at the city center of Imaginarium, trying to charge up. He told me that I had disappeared for most of the times during these 2 weeks. Without me as his main energy source, he had to spend most of his time charging up and still couldn’t get a high level of energy. He showed me the photos I had taken during this period of time and managed to remember a few things that happened during this period.

First, I got an awful lot of accompaniments in this period, and stayed with them while I was going in and out of fainted sessions. Some of them were in Kawatoshi, while the others just happened to drop into my dream. I was very glad that I had accompaniment in this period, or else I would have forgotten that I had ever existed at all.

Second, Rainbow missed the count of successful challengers of Rainbow Challenge because of his dangerously low energy level. We decided that we should end the count because there were more than 400 challengers and the new game will be coming at the end of this month.

Thirdly, I got my wings at the end of this period. I went to Zephiroh for many times until I decided that my home is better than that haunted and non-lively ruins.

I felt better due to the wings, for some odd reasons. I had been feeling really depressed when I first discovered that I had had experienced a serious memory failure.

The right photo was taken, obviously in one of my lucky morning, in Zefiroh.

Fourthly, although I nearly closed myself up in Laputa because I didn't want to scare my friends for the fact that I had lost a lot of memory of the past 5 months, and was trying to recover my memory by reading my own diary, interesting furres and friends kept visiting me in Laputa and I was blessed with many happy afternoons.

The photo on the left was taken one morning in the GHOST DANCE dream made by Rainbow. What I could remember was that I lectured the two visitors on the ghost mechanisms, and I was surprised that one fo the visitors, who were very young, was exceptionally bright and could understand the mechanism without much difficulty.

As usual, when I feel like it, I wondered around the land of Kasuria. I had stayed in Kawatoshi for significantly long hours some days during this month, but I couldn't either remember when.

To add to that, I actually managed to rememebr that I flied the whole Ring complex around the planet, which took me 2 weeks. However, I couldn't remember much about what actually happened during these times, and I took off without Rainbow. Rainbow, who joined me in the middle of the flight, told me that nothing had really happened during the flight, but I managed to discover several good place and idled or slept in them for longer hours in some days.

From what Rainbow told me, I lengthened my sleeping hours a lot during this month...

I also remembered having been wandering in a world called Shaman King, and I came back shaken by that world, although in which I could only be a passive audience. I brought Rainbow to that world, and he was impressed too. We worked on creating our own subjective records of that world for days.

During this period of work, I gradually found that some permanent memory wasn't important to me and I shouldn't cry over the fact that I have lost them. I have successfully carried out my responsibility of a messenger of the Wind from Water, and I realized that having a memory which is incomplete compared to others isn't a problem to me at all. I can do my job without them.

I will get what I need just by fulfilling my responsibility. I don't mind that I am shattered, and might disappear at anytime anymore.

But I am very sure about the fact that I will not die until I complete all I am to do, which includes the Challenge of the Wind and Water, and I will be happy if I don't die at all.

But itsn't it too banal for any wind to die?

p.s. and I think I had located the source of my memory. No. I don't mean why I do NOT remember what happened. I mean why I had been able to remember what actually happened. It is this diary that had given me memory about myself, my life and my identity.

This is the Last Page of Windera's Diary. Thank you for reading!

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